Attendance percentages
Response by STEP Academy Trust to Michelle Louise Zaher on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Michelle Following your request under the Freedom of Information act, please find the relevant data below: How many staff in total where employe...
Dear Ms Brown, We write regarding your request dated 29 January 2024 made under the Freedom of Information Act 2014, we are pleased to provide the i...
Energy consumption and printer agreements
Response by STEP Academy Trust to Amber Byrne on .

Reported for administrator attention

Dear Ms Byrne, We write regarding your request dated 18 December 2023 made under the Freedom of Information Act 2014, we are pleased to provide the...
Correspondence between the trust and DfE
Response by STEP Academy Trust to Grace Foster on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Foster,   We refer to your request dated 28 September 2023 made under the Freedom of Information Act 2014 in relation to STEP Academy Trus...
CEO - salary and expenses
Response by STEP Academy Trust to Jade Harper on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Harper,   We write further to your request dated 18 September 2023 made under the Freedom of Information Act 2014 in relation to the followi...
Correspondence between the CEO of the trust and Priestley College
Response by STEP Academy Trust to Amy Woollcott on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Woollcott, We write further to your request dated 13 September 2023 made under the Freedom of Information Act 2014 in relation to correspond...
FOI - Expenditure on equality, diversity, and inclusivity.
Response by STEP Academy Trust to Arthur Lightfoot on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Lightfoot, Following your request dated 17 November 2022 made under the Freedom of Information Act, we are pleased to provide the following in...
Exclusions in each STEP Academy School
Response by STEP Academy Trust to Alice Burchfield on .


Dear Ms Burchfield, Following your request dated 28 March 2021 in which you asked: • How many children were permanently excluded in the year 2020-202...
Breakdown of costs of school uniform
Response by STEP Academy Trust to Alice Burchfield on .


Dear Ms Burchfield, Following your request dated 28 March 2021 in which you asked: • Please could you provide me with a breakdown of costs for the cu...
Dear Ms Burchfield, Following your request dated 28 March 2021 in which you asked: • Please could you provide me with the number of children at each...
Dear Ms Burchfield, Following your request dated 28 March 2021 in which you asked: • Meeching Valley Primary School became Breakwater Academy in 2016...
Number of unqualified teaching staff
Response by STEP Academy Trust to Alice Burchfield on .


Dear Ms Burchfield, Following your request dated 29 March 2021 in which you asked: • Please could you provide me with the number of unqualified teach...
Number of teachers on Upper Pay Scale
Response by STEP Academy Trust to Alice Burchfield on .


Dear Ms Burchfield, Following your request dated 29 March 2021 in which you asked: • Please could you provide me with the number of teachers at each...
Teachers on National Pay Scale
Response by STEP Academy Trust to Alice Burchfield on .


Dear Ms Burchfield, Following your request dated 1 April 2021 in which you asked: • Please could you inform me whether teachers at your schools are p...
How is PPA time covered?
Response by STEP Academy Trust to Alice Burchfield on .


Dear Ms Burchfield, Following your request dated 1 April 2021 in which you asked: Please could you inform me who covers class teaching while teachers...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?