Steiner Academy Hereford

An academy

7 requests
Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Connor Hand and I am writing from LBC Radio. I hope you're well. I am writing in relation to a request under the Freed...
Pupils suspended for vaping
Request sent to Steiner Academy Hereford by Helen Hoddinott on .

Long overdue

Good Morning, My name is Helen Hoddinott and I am writing with a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Specifically, I would to ask for the f...
Salaries of senior staff
Response by Steiner Academy Hereford to Peter D Williams on .


Peter Williams,   As per your request for information, my response to each of your questions is shown in red text below.   1/ the number of st...
Minutes and agenda of governing body
Response by Steiner Academy Hereford to William Davis on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Davis, Email part 2. Yours sincerely, Niki Nakamura Communications Committee Meeting 7th February 1.30 – 3.15 Current Membership: Andrew Co...
Academy Status
Response by Steiner Academy Hereford to Shelly Shriver on .


Dear Shelly, In response to your email of December 29th 2011: We are aware that there was some opposition to the idea of state-funding for a Steiner s...
Staff professional affiliations
Response by Steiner Academy Hereford to M. Hayes on .


Dear Mark, I can let you know that the three members of staff are teachers. We look forward to meeting you at some point. Best wishes, Niki Nakamura A...
WEEE Tender
Response by Steiner Academy Hereford to Claire McWilliams on .


Dear Claire, I can confirm that our small size means that we do not have a formal contract in place for the collection and disposal of WEE and batteri...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?