Dear Linda
Your Request
Could you please point me to the summary information regarding your establishment's progress on phasing out animals in basic...
Dear Beth
Apologies for the delay in responding to your email.
What Israeli universities does the university have links with? None...
Dear Andrew
Please see the College’s response in relation to the FOI request.
Kind regards...
Information not held
Dear Harriet
This is a Nil return from St Mary’s University Belfast. St Mary’s
University is not a member of ASCSU.
Kind regards
Good morning Caroline
Many thanks for your email.
I have referred this onto the relevant department for response.
Kind regards
Academic Re...
Dear Beth
This is a Nil return from St Mary’s University, Belfast.
Kind regards
Dear Beth
St Marys has no Joint initiatives or research projects in relation to your
request below. This is a nil return.
Kind regard...
Dear Jessica
This is a Nil return from St Mary’s University College Belfast. We do not
offer Accommodation.
Kind regards
Margaret M...
Dear Harriet
Apologies for the delay in the response.
Your Request
1. A list of any and all meetings between the police and any univ...
Dear Jamie
Please find below answers to your FOI request.
Kind regards
Margaret Mulholland
Academic Registrar
St. Mary’s Univ...
Dear Gina
We received your request for an FOI for Information regarding facilities
management approach.
• How are facilities...
Dear Harry
Apologies for the delay in the request, but our College was closed from
Thursday 28^th March until Monday 8^th April 2024. Can y...
Dear David
We received your request on 20^th March 2024
We have handled your request under the Freedom of Information Act (FO...
Dear Jamie
We received your request on 29^th February 2024
We have handled your request under the Freedom of Information...
16^th February 2024
You asked us:
1. Do you offer at least one foreign language A-Level course for
- 1.2 Which fo...
Dear Samuel
Below in red please find the answers to your Freedom of Information
Apologies for the delay in response.
Kind r...
Dear Nicola
Please find below an update to your FOI.
Kind regards
From: Gary Murphy <[email address]>
Sent: Monday, Octob...
Thank you for your email. Please note that the member of staff has left
the services of the College. Emails will be forwarded to the Academic
Dear Seamus
Please direct all FOI Requests directly to me:
[1][email address]
I will ensure that all information is changed on the Websit...
Dear Benjamin
See below responses in red to your information request.
Kind regards
Hi Josh
Apologies for the late reply.
St Mary’s University don’t use any of the software listed in the request.
Margaret Mulholla...
Dear Amy
The Principal of St Mary’s University College Belfast has not had any
correspondence with Priestley College nor James Gresty.
Thank you for your email. Please note that the member of staff has left
the services of the College. Emails will be forwarded to the Academic
Thank you for your email. Please note that the member of staff has left
the services of the College. Emails will be forwarded to the Academic
Thank you for your email. Please note that the member of staff has left
the services of the College. Emails will be forwarded to the Academic
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown.