Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

An ombudsman, also called SPSO

66 requests
Dear Mr Williams Please find attached our response to your request for a review of our handling of your FOI request 'Complaints concerning NHS Lothi...
Request to Scottish Public Services Ombudsman by M Hands. Annotated by M Hands on .

Awaiting classification

Annotations will be posted publicly here, and are not sent to Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Quote Get answers from the government and public se...
Request 65 - ratings
Request to Scottish Public Services Ombudsman by M Hands. Annotated by M Hands on .

Awaiting classification

Annotations will be posted publicly here, and are not sent to Scottish Public Services Ombudsman. Quote Between 1 January 2020 and 2 April 2024, the...
Jobs advertised in calendar year 2023
Response by Scottish Public Services Ombudsman to J Roberts on .

Awaiting classification

Dear J Roberts Your request for information I refer to your email of 31 January 2024. Your request has been processed in line with the Freedom of...
Response by Scottish Public Services Ombudsman to S Hope on .


Good afternoon, Your request for information I refer to your email of 3 October 2023.  In your correspondence you ask for: 1.    The number of s...
Dear Mr Fowler Your request for information I refer to your email of 5 April 2023.  In your correspondence you ask for:  1. In relation to the U...
Appointments -
Response by Scottish Public Services Ombudsman to M Hands on .

Partially successful

Dear M Hands Please find attached our letter of today's date. Yours sincerely Information Governance Team | Scottish Public Services Ombudsman...
Legal action and costs
Response by Scottish Public Services Ombudsman to Conor Matchett on .


Dear Mr Matchett, Please find attached our response to your information request. Kind regards, Information Governance Team Scottish Public Serv...
Surety fiduciary bonds
Response by Scottish Public Services Ombudsman to [name removed] on .

Information not held

Dear [name removed] Your request for information I refer to your email of 25 October 2022.  In your correspondence you ask for:  1. All holdings...
Response by Scottish Public Services Ombudsman to J Roberts on .


Dear J Roberts Please find attached my letter of today's date, with enclosure. Yours sincerely Helen Littlemore Corporate Information Governance...
Email address
Response by Scottish Public Services Ombudsman to DNA on .


Good morning, Thank you for contacting the SPSO. We note in the subject line of your email that you mention Freedom of Information Request. If you wo...
Dear Ms Airley Your request for information I refer to your email of 17 March 2021. In your correspondence you ask:  1. Whether the matter of Dum...
SPSO Regulator
Response by Scottish Public Services Ombudsman to Martin James Keatings on .


Dear Mr Keatings, Please find attached a letter from Niki Maclean, Director, in response to your request for review. Your Sincerely Ruth Yates...
Dear Ms Thomson Thank you for emailing the SPSO we are sorry to hear about your concerns. Glasgow City Council has a two stage complaints procedure w...
Complaints against royal mail
Response by Scottish Public Services Ombudsman to chris on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Milne I refer to your email of 31 October 2020.  In your correspondence you ask, for the period 2018 to 2020, for information on (1) the num...
Dear Professor Paechter Please find attached Niki Maclean's response of today's date to your request for review and further information. Yours sin...
Dear Ms Murray Please find attached the response to your request for review. Yours sincerely Helen Littlemore Corporate Information Governance O...
Dear Mr Stalker   Please find attached Mr Stevenson’s response to your request for review.   Kind regards   Elena Carrara | Team Assistant...
Human Rights Act Article 3 and Discrimination
Response by Scottish Public Services Ombudsman to COLIN WHITE on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr White Please find attached my response of today's date. Yours sincerely Helen Littlemore Corporate Information Governance Officer Scotti...
Dear Oysterman,   As previously explained, the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 requires that the request must state the name of the req...
This is an automated receipt from SPSO to let you know that we have received your email. Please do not reply to this.   If you have emailed a new...
Dear Mr Keatings I refer to your email of 12 February 2019.  In your correspondence you ask “For each of the previous 5 years, please provide statis...
Complaints of prejudice against OSCR II
Response by Scottish Public Services Ombudsman to Oysterman on .

Partially successful

This is an automated receipt from SPSO to let you know that we have received your email. Please do not reply to this.   If you have emailed a new co...
Dear Mr Files Please find attached my letter of today's date, with enclosure. Yours sincerely Helen Littlemore Corporate Information Governance...
Dear Ms Cameron Please find attached Niki Maclean’s letter of today’s date. Yours sincerely Helen Littlemore Corporate Information Governance O...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?