Good morning, Please see below & attached information as requested: Kerry-Lyn AMOS - Student Engagement Manager Robert BAILEY - Digital Learning Mana...
Management Structure and Contacts
Response by SEEVIC College to Tony Payne on .

Awaiting classification

Good afternoon, Please see details attached as requested on behalf of our HR department. Kind Regards Feedback Matters, USP College Your life. Y...
Modern Foreign Language A-Levels
Response by SEEVIC College to Jessica Sharkey on .


Please see below email sent on behalf of Sharon Rogers, Head of MIS: • The total number of individual learners funded under 16-19 methodology we curre...
Agency spend 21/22
Response by SEEVIC College to Bob Holmes on .

Long overdue

Good afternoon Apologies for our delay in responding, this was due to our summer break which began on 7 July 2022. I have passed this to the relevant...
DBS Applications
Response by SEEVIC College to Victor Howe on .

Awaiting classification

Good afternoon, Please see below the requested information: Human Resources utilise a third party organisation to process DBS applications on our beh...
Recruitment Agency Spent Request
Response by SEEVIC College to Pamela Kurti on .

Long overdue

**** USP COLLEGE EMAIL SECURITY REMINDER **** This email appears to have originated from outside of USP College. Do not click any links or attachments...
IT / MFD / Print Hardware
Response by SEEVIC College to Issy Hardie on .


Good morning We can confirm that the College holds the information; however, it is withheld because it falls under exemptions provided by the Freedom...
Climate Change Agenda following COP26
Response by SEEVIC College to Rebecca Harrison on .

Long overdue

Dear Rebecca Thank you for you re-amil, which has been forwarded to the relevant department for a reply. Kind Regards Customer Advisor Front of...
Manager List
Response by SEEVIC College to Tanya Flowers on .

Long overdue

**** USP COLLEGE EMAIL SECURITY REMINDER **** This email appears to have originated from outside of USP College. Do not click any links or attachments...
FOI Request – Confidential waste
Response by SEEVIC College to Chris Pearson on .


**** USP COLLEGE EMAIL SECURITY REMINDER **** This email appears to have originated from outside of USP College. Do not click any links or attachments...
IT Print and PC Supplier
Response by SEEVIC College to Matthew Varns on .

Awaiting classification

**** USP COLLEGE EMAIL SECURITY REMINDER **** This email appears to have originated from outside of USP College. Do not click any links or attachments...
**** USP COLLEGE EMAIL SECURITY REMINDER **** This email appears to have originated from outside of USP College. Do not click any links or attachment...
Procurement of contractors and construction services
Request sent to SEEVIC College by Adam Hall on .

Long overdue

Can you please tell me the following: 1. How you procure Construction Consultancy Services 2. How you procure Construction Contractors 3. If by y...
Agency Spend 2018/2019
Request sent to SEEVIC College by Robert Wells on .

Long overdue

Please can you provide me with your total agency spend so far in the 2018/2019 academic year along with a breakdown of which agencies that have been us...
FOI: bereavement services
Response by SEEVIC College to Poppy Damon on .


Good afternoon Poppy   I have answered the questions in your Freedom of Information request below:   Do you offer special provisions for couns...
Workforce Development Information
Response by SEEVIC College to Chris Sharman on .

Partially successful

Dear Chris,   Please find attached the response to your FOI request. Unfortunately the response does not include the companies organisation char...
College Organogram
Response by SEEVIC College to Sarah L on .


Dear Sarah,   In response to your recent FOI request, please find attached the College’s most up-to-date organogram. Please note that this has bee...
Recruitment Spend 2017/18
Response by SEEVIC College to Sarah L on .


Dear Sarah,   In response to your recent FOI request, please see attached the College’s total agency spend so far in the 2017/2018 academic year a...
ERP Systems
Response by SEEVIC College to Mary Soper on .


Dear M Soper,   Please find attached the response to your FOI request.     Kind regards,   Claudia Ferman Executive PA   On behalf...
Student Expulsion
Response by SEEVIC College to S folaju on .


Hello,   Please find information requested attached.   Jade Frith Personal Assistant   Tel: 01268 756 111 ext 177 [1]www.seevic-college...
Recruitment Advertising
Response by SEEVIC College to Julia Owen on .

Long overdue

Dear Julia Thank you for yor e-mail which has been forwarded to the relevant department for a reply. Kind regards Customer Advisor Tel: 01268 756...
Sent on behalf of John Revill, Vice Principal   Dear Zack Wrigglesworth   The entrance wall was built as part of our major capital refurbishmen...
Q. Are you responsible for any buildings with more than 12kw of air conditioning present? Yes Q. Who is the responsible person for ensuring that you...
Trainee teacher NQT data request.
Response by SEEVIC College to Luke Patrick on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Luke Patrick   Further to your email of 11 April 2017,  please see our responses below:   Most recent complete cohort data, how many teach...
Recruitment Advertising
Response by SEEVIC College to Julia Owen on .

Long overdue

Dear Ms. Owen On behalf of Seevic College, I acknowledge receipt of your FoI request. A full response will be sent within 20 working days. Regards...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?