7 October 2015
Dear Sir
Re: Request for Information received on 14 September 2015. Our Ref:
I write further to your recen...
24 February 2014
Dear Ms Walker
Re: Request for Information received on 29 January 2014. Our Ref: RFI/996
Further to your recent...
5 September 2014
Dear Ms Peterson
Re: Request for Information received on 14 August 2014. Our Ref: RFI/1096
I write further to you...
24 August 2015
Dear Ms Maher
Re: Clarification
Thank you for your email.
The response is the full response.
Yours sincerely
Alberta Park
2 September 2014
Dear Ms Peterson
Re: Request for Information received on 13 August 2014. Our Ref: RFI/1095
Further to your recent...
28 May 2015
Dear Ms Paynes
I write to advise that the Education Authority South Eastern Region does not hold the requested information.
Please redi...
10 March 2015
Dear Mr Marsh
Re: RFI/1171 Mr Leon Marsh - Media Requests ASD
Following a meeting of the South Eastern Education an...
10 March 2015
Dear Mr Marsh
Re: RFI/1167 Mr Leon Marsh – ASD Exclusions
Following a meeting of the South Eastern Education and Li...
10 March 2015
Dear Mr Marsh
Re: RFI/1173 Mr Leon Marsh – SEN £ ASD
Following a meeting of the South Eastern Education and Library...
10 March 2015
Dear Mr Marsh
Re: RFI/1175 Mr Leon Marsh - ASD Staff
Following a meeting of the South Eastern Education and Library...
Dear Alberta Park,
Thank you for your response and the information provided. It does
satisfy my RFI.
Yours sincerely,
Leon Marsh
10 March 2015
Dear Mr Marsh
Re: RFI/1164 Mr Leon Marsh – SENDIST
Following a meeting of the South Eastern Education and Library B...
Dear Alberta Park,
S.16 duty imposed on authorities (the duty to provide advice and
assistance). The SEELB has a duty to advice / assist in reducing...
26 February 2015
Dear Mr Marsh
Re: Information Request received on 4 February 2015. Our Ref: RFI/1186
I write further to your rec...
Dear Alberta Park,
S.16 duty imposed on authorities (the duty to provide advice and
assistance). The SEELB has a duty to advice / assist in reducing...
Dear Alberta Park,
S.16 duty imposed on authorities (the duty to provide advice and
assistance). The SEELB has a duty to advice / assist in reducing...
Dear Alberta Park,
S.16 duty imposed on authorities (the duty to provide advice and assistance). The SEELB has a duty to advice / assist in reducing...
27 February 2015
Dear Ms Davis
Re: Information Request received on 9 February 2015. Our Ref: RFI/1181
I write further to your recent...
10 February 2015
Dear Mr Marsh
Re: Information Request received on 13 January 2015. Our Ref: RFI/1168
I write further to your rec...
9 February 2015
Dear Mr Marsh
Re: Information Request received on 13 January 2015. Our Ref: RFI/1169
I write further to your recen...
11 February 2015
Dear Mr Marsh
Re: Information Request received on 13 January 2015. Our Ref: RFI/1174
I write further to your rec...
11 February 2015
Dear Mr Marsh
Re: Information Request received on 11 January 2015. Our Ref: RFI/1166
I write further to your rece...
11 February 2015
Dear Mr Marsh
Re: Information Request received on 17 January 2015. Our Ref: RFI/1177
I write further to your rec...
Partially successful
11 February 2015
Dear Mr Marsh
Re: Information Request received on 11 January 2015. Our Ref: RFI/1165
I write further to your rec...
9 February 2015
Dear Mr Marsh
Re: Information Request received on 13 January 2015. Our Ref: RFI/1172
I write further to your rece...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown.