As per the freedom of information act, please provide the following information:
1. Please provide copies of any correspondence (letters and email ch...
Good morning, I acknowledge receipt of your e-mail.
Our position remains unchanged and we require identification to verify
your identity. You h...
I hope whoever is reading this is well. This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
1) Was your school, or any part of it, built...
Please find attached the answers to your recent FOI request.
Sacred Heart Catholic College
Dear Mr B Pavers Please find below answers to your r...
Dear Mr Kirwan
Can you please provide a risk assessment for the sixth trees running
alongside the playing field between Endbut Lane and Fairholme Ro...
Good afternoon
Please find attached
Dear K (E.M.A) Hatherstone For clarity I have left your original questions and replied in red. I hope this hel...
Dear Mr. Langton,
Thank you for making me aware of this, and providing the relevant guidance. I have now made an FOI Request to the local authority r...
Dear Mrs E A Pearce
In response to your recent request for clarification.
C ii) please see this link (
Dear K (E.M.A.) Hatherstone
The New Headteacher does not start at the College until after the Easter
Staffing structure remains the...
I am withdrawing this request as information is no longer required.
Yours faithfully,
K (E.M.A) Hatherstone
Good afternoon
Please find our responses to your recent FOI request. For clarity I have
answered in red after your original questions.
Dear A J Crosby
Please find below the response to your recent FOI request.
To help you I have included your original text with the College repl...
Relevant information has recently been provided since this FOI request so the originally requested information is no longer required.
Yours faithfull...
Please find attached
Please see responses below from your most recent FOI request : A i) 24 % Aii) 61 % B i) 6 B ii) This is not a FOI request...
langtons would like to recall the message, "Staffing Structure Sacred Heart Catholic College".
Please find attached
Mr ITP Walker
MA (Oxon) MEd NPQH
Tel: 0151 931 2971
Fax 0151 924 8715
Web :
Dear Ms Crosby
Please find below answers to your recent FOI request
To help with the answers I have included your original question with
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Sacred Heart Catholic Co...
I am still waiting for a response about the misleading sign outside the school that could quite easily be misconstrued by the general public. Why is it...
Dear langtons,
Thank you for your response.
It is a concern that many Non Disclosure Agreements have been necessary in school over a relatively sh...
Dear Mrs Pearce
Further to your recent mail
On a final check we had inadvertently included part time members of staff in our figures. The revise numb...
Dear Mrs Pearce
Thank you for your recent request.
We do not hold this information.
The LA should be able to help with this enquiry and can be co...
Dear Amanda J Crosby
Please find below answers to your recent FOI request to Sacred Heart
Catholic College.
To make things easier to read...
An internal review is taking place
Please allow 20 working days
Awaiting internal review
Dear Amanda Crosby, I am replying on behalf of the Governors to your
request for an Internal review. A panel of Governors have now considered
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown.