Student Awards Agency for Scotland

An executive agency and a Crown Body, also called SAAS

58 requests
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Please find attached a response to your request. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any files o...
Our Reference: 202400398716 Your Reference: Freedom of Information request - Request for records and information management Dear George Pappas, T...
Please find attached a response to your request. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any files o...
Please find attached a response to your request. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any files o...
Corporate Estate Managing Maintenance
Response by Student Awards Agency for Scotland to Nicola Pomroy on .

Awaiting classification

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Subject access requests
Response by Student Awards Agency for Scotland to Lisa Donovan on .


Please find attached a response to your request. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any files o...
Contacts with tobacco industry
Response by Student Awards Agency for Scotland to Raouf Alebshehy on .

Information not held

Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Legal action and costs
Response by Student Awards Agency for Scotland to Conor Matchett on .


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Social Media Management Tool
Response by Student Awards Agency for Scotland to Ellie Jones on .

Awaiting classification

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Please find attached a response to your request. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any files o...
Cost of living loans repayment
Response by Student Awards Agency for Scotland to Craig Wilson on .

Information not held

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Please find attached a response to your request. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any files o...
Please find attached a response to your request. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any files o...
Lauren   With regards your request dated 5 August 2016 under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) for information about the number...
Unassessed maintenance loan amount
Response by Student Awards Agency for Scotland to Lily Von Geyer on .

Awaiting classification

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Please find attached a response to your request. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any files o...
Use of PR & Media Firms
Response by Student Awards Agency for Scotland to Jamie Mann on .

Awaiting classification

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Please find attached a response to your request. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any files o...
Dear Conor Matchett,   Apologies, there was an additional line missing from the response to the third question in the final response letter. Pleas...
Board member remuneration

Awaiting classification

Our Reference: 202100189857 Your Reference: Board member remuneration Dear The Ferret Media Ltd, Thank you for your correspondence received on 28/...
Please find attached a response to your request. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any files o...
Please find attached a response to your request. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any files o...
Freedom of Information
Response by Student Awards Agency for Scotland to Kirsty Duffin on .


Please find attached the response to your request. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any files...
Digital Strategy
Response by Student Awards Agency for Scotland to Hannah on .


Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?