Thank you for contacting Rushcliffe Borough Council. This is an automated
reply to let you know your email has been received and will be responded
Ref – 3531355
Good morning,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 10^th July,
please see our response b...
Ref - 3535824
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 18th July,
please see our response...
Ref - 3517719
Good morning,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 18^th June,
please see our response b...
Ref - 3499521
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 20th May,
please see the response f...
Ref - A1346493
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 17th February, this is currently being looked...
REF- 3474067
Good morning,
Thank you for your freedom of information requested received on the 19th April 2024, please find our response be...
Dear Lady Fleming,
I refer to your Freedom of Information request dated 5 February 2019. You requested information about High Cost/Bulk Council Tax Li...
Ref - 3472187
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 17th April,
please see our response in the...
Ref - 2626451
Good morning,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 8th March, please see our response below.
1. Fu...
Ref - 3390350
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 30th March, the Word Document attached provides...
Thank you for contacting Rushcliffe Borough Council. This is an automated
reply to let you know your email has been received and will be responded
Ref - 3464642
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 6th April, please see our response below.
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your email, Rushcliffe Borough Council does not own any domestic housing and does not deal with water complain...
Ref - 2624686
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 7th March,
please see our response...
Ref- 2578228
Good morning,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 4^th
February, please see our response...
Ref – 2578257
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 7^th
February, please see our respo...
Ref - 2581316
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 15th
February, please see our respo...
Ref - 2548271
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 12th
December, please see our respo...
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your email, this is not a function of Rushcliffe Borough Council, we do not own or maintain any shared or dist...
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your enquiry, libraries fall under the remit of
Nottinghamshire County council, please see the link bel...
Ref – 2569028
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 13^th
January, please find our resp...
Ref - 2569460
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 12th
January, I have to advise that...
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your email, social care falls under the remit of Nottinghamshire County Council, please see the link below to...
Ref - 2548268
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 12th
December, please see our respo...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown.