Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust

A hospital trust, a part of the National Health Service and an NHS trust

376 requests
- The total number of operating theatres available at Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust. 13 operating theatres in use (as reported in th...
Dear Requestor, Please find the below the answers to the Freedom of Information request submitted to us.  This request has now been closed. 1. Ple...
Dear Requestor, Please accept this as an acknowledgement of your FOI request; we will now look to source this information if it is readily available a...
Dear Requestor, Please see responses below: 1. What improvements have been made to reduce noise levels from other patients at night? None 2. What im...
Dear Requestor, Please accept this as an acknowledgement of your FOI request; we will now look to source this information if it is readily available a...
Response by Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust to Robert Paige on .


Dear Requestor, Please note that the response to Q2 includes all patients as we are not able to separate the doses from non-cancer and cancer - this i...
Dear Requestor, We do not have Anaesthesia Associates at our Trust therefore we do not hold this information. FOI Officer Royal National Orthopaedi...
Dear Requestor, Please accept this as an acknowledgement of your FOI request; we will now look to source this information if it is readily available a...
Dear Requestor, Please accept this as an acknowledgement of your FOI request; we will now look to source this information if it is readily available a...
Dear Requestor, Our physician associates work in Urology and Psychiatry therefore we do not hold this information. FOI Officer Royal National Ortho...
Freedom of Information Request – Response Our ref: 10-05 AR120424 Dear Requester, Please find attached response to your Freedom of Information (FoI) Ac...
Freedom of Information Request – Response Our ref: 19-05 DC190424 Dear David, Please find attached response to your Freedom of Information (FoI)...
Dear Requestor Please see responses below: * Do we have a 'Patient Portal / Patient Engagement Portal (PEP)’? No If no: * Are you planning to procur...
Epilepsy Treatment

Information not held

Dear Oliver, We note your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, this has been logged under reference OC120123. Please note th...
Resident Medical Officers

Partially successful

Dear Matthew,   We refer to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, reference MK120722. Please see responses below.  ...
Physiotherapist Agency Use

Partially successful

Freedom of Information Request – Acknowledgement Our ref: 23-05 JK240424 Dear Jake, Please see below response to you FOI request. 1)          H...
Dear Requestor Please see responses below: a) Paediatric patients with septic arthritis in native joints - M00.9 = 3 admission spells b) Paediatric p...
Dear Requestor, Please see answers below: 1. Document Management - Specialist Computer Centre, Evolve,Contract Expiration Mar-24 2. ePOA - 3. EPR -...
Freedom of Information Request – Response Our ref: 31-05 SJ03052024 Dear Scott, Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FoI) request received...
Freedom of Information Request – Response Our ref GK300124 Dear Georgina Kovacs Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FoI) request received...
Mortuary staffing statistics

Information not held

Freedom of Information Request – Response Our ref: 08-05 DL100424 Dear Deborah Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FoI) request received b...
Dear FOI (ROYAL NATIONAL ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL NHS TRUST), Thank you for your very succinct response. You will be pleased to know that yourreferral rat...
Freedom of information request Our ref: SS08112023   Dear Sam Smith We write further to part 1 of your request for information of 8 November 2...
Dear Requestor, Please note that our Trust provides orthopaedic services only and we do not consider that this FOI request applies to our hospital. Fo...
Thank you for your email. This inbox is dedicated to Freedom of Information requests at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust. This is mo...

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