I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of
Information Act, the following information regarding your facilities
Dear Mr Gray,
Thank you for your email of 7/08/24 which I confirm has been dealt with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000.
We do not c...
Dear Mr Taylor,
Thank you for your email of 13.08.24 which I confirm has been dealt with
in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Dear Mr Campbell,,
Thank you for your email of 18 July 2024 which I confirm has been dealt
with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000...
Dear Artists and Cultural Workers Against Genocide,
Thank you for your email of 18 June which I confirm has been dealt with in
accordance with F...
Dear Ms Pomroy,
Thank you for your email of 5 July 2023 which I confirm has been dealt with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Dear Megan,
Visitor numbers across all our sites 2023-24 totalled 2,578,812. The venue
breakdown is shown in the table below:
Dear Mr Nash,
Thank you for your email of 12 October 2023 which I confirm has been dealt
with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000...
Dear Celeste Morrison,
Thank you for your email of 28 July 2023 which I confirm has been dealt
with in accordance with Freedom of Information Ac...
Dear Mr Gray,
Thank you for your email of 6 July 2023 which I confirm has been dealt with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Dear Mr Smythe,
Thank you for your email of 21 February which I confirm has been dealt with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Dear Mr Colbert,
Thank you for your email of 28 February 2023 which I confirm has been dealt with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000....
Dear Ms Moody,
Thank you for your email of 27 February 2023. Since our response to a similar request in 2021, our leadership team in IT has changed an...
Dear Mr Mansfield,
Thank you for your email of 14 February 2023 which I confirm has been dealt with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000...
Dear Mr Mansfield,
Thank you for your email of 8 February 2023 which I confirm has been dealt with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000....
Dear Mr Mansfield,
Thank you for your email of 10 February which I confirm has been dealt with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Dear Ms Tate,
Thank you for your email of 7 February which I confirm has been dealt with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please f...
Dear Ms Gill,
Thank you for your email of 10 January 2023 which I confirm has been dealt with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Dear Max Colbert,
Thank you for your email of 29 November which I confirm has been dealt with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Dear Mr Leonard,
Thank you for your email of 9 August 2022 which I confirm has been dealt with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Dear Ms Zimba,
Thank you for your email of 13 December 2021 which I confirm has been
dealt with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 20...
Dear Abdul Hai,
Thank you for your email of 4 April which I confirm has been dealt with in
accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Dear Mr Leonard,
Thank you for your email of 23 March 2021 which I confirm has been dealt
with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000....
Dear [Name Removed]
Thank you for your email of 6 March 2022 which I confirm has been dealt with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000....
Dear Ms Barker,
Thank you for your email of 14 January 2022 which I confirm has been dealt with in accordance with Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown.