Dear Ribble Valley Borough Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an inter...
Good afternoon,
Please find attached acknowledgement to your recent request for
information together with our guidance notes.
Kind regards
FOI T...
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your request. We are dealing with this as a routine request rather than formally as a Freedom of Information Act request...
Good afternoon,
Please find attached acknowledgement to your recent request for
information together with our guidance notes.
Kind regards
FOI T...
Good afternoon,
Please see attached our response to your query recently sent to us.
Kind regards
FOI Team
Ribble Valley Borough Coun...
Good afternoon,
Please see attached our response to your query recently sent to us.
Kind regards
FOI Team
Good afternoon,
Please find attached acknowledgement to your recent request for
information together with our guidance notes.
Kind regards...
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your request. We are dealing with this as a routine request rather than formally as a Freedom of Information Act request...
Dear FOI,
Many thanks for taking the time to process this FOI request.
In response to your clarification - yes, it does include banks with which yo...
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your request. We are dealing with this as a routine request rather than formally as a Freedom of Information Act request...
Good afternoon,
Please see attached our response to your query recently sent to us.
Kind regards
FOI Team
Good Afternoon
Thank you for your request. We are dealing with this as a routine request rather than formally as a Freedom of Information Act request...
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your request. We are dealing with this as a routine request
rather than formally as a Freedom of Information Act r...
Good morning,
Please see attached our response to your query recently sent to us.
Kind regards
FOI Team
Ribble V...
Good morning,
Please find attached a request for further information.
Kind regards,
FOI Team
Ribble Valley Borough Council, Council Offices, Church...
Good afternoon,
With regard to your enquiry, we would respond as follows:
Having reviewed your request for information, we have identified that due t...
Dear Mr. Craggs
Please kindly refer to the attached correspondence.
Yours faithfully
Ribble Valley Borough Council, Le...
Good morning
Thank you for your request. We are dealing with this as a routine request rather than formally as a Freedom of Information Act request so...
Good morning
Thank you for your request. We are dealing with this as a routine request rather than formally as a Freedom of Information Act request so...
Dear Mr. Clarke
Please kindly refer to the attached correspondence.
Yours faithfully
Katharine Collinge
Legal Assistant and Freedom of Information...
Good afternoon
Thank you for your request. We are dealing with this as a routine request rather than formally as a Freedom of Information Act request...
Good morning
Please find attached response to your recent request for information.
Yours faithfully
Ribble Valley Borough Council, Legal S...
Please find enclosed response to your recent freedom of information request.
Yours faithfully
Ribble Valley Borough Council, Legal Services...
Good morning
Please find attached acknowledgement of your recent request for information.
Yours faithfully
Ribble Valley Borough Council,...
Good afternoon,
Please find attached a letter of response.
Kind regards,
FOI Team
Ribble Valley Borough Council, Council Offices, Church Walk, Clith...
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