Could you please point me to the summary information regarding your establishment's progress on phasing out animals in basic/fundamental and applied re...
We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to seek clarification on several matters regarding the university’s partnerships, investments, and...
Dear Karl
F (04/02) 140124-1 WonkHE Expenditure
Please find attached below the University's response to your recent
request for information...
Dear Emily
E (25/10) 041024-2 Waste Management
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent request
for information u...
Dear Laura
F (10/03) 170222-1 University Student Dropout Rates
Please find attached the University's response to your recent request for
Dear Caroline
F (11/10) 210924-1 Animals Used in Non-Regulatory Procedures
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your re...
Dear Beth
F (01/10) 100924-2 Investments
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent request
for information under t...
Dear Beth
F (01/10) 110924-1 Projects with Arms Companies
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent request
Dear Beth
F (01/10) 110924-2 Israeli University Links
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent request
for inform...
Dear Andrew,
FOI REFERENCE F (03/09) 130824-1 Banking and Insurance Providers
Please find attached the University's response to your recent req...
Information not held
Dear Harriet
F (29/08) 080824-2 AUCSO Palestine Protest Activity
Please find attached the University's response to your recent request for
Dear Jenna
I refer to the above Freedom of Information request we issued to you on
8^TH August 2022. Due to a new applicant querying a couple of e...
Dear Jessica
F (01/08) 110724-1 Student Accommodation Capacity and Price
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent...
Dear Philip
F (06/02) 160123-1 Contact Centre, CRM and AI & Automation
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent re...
Dear Rachel
F (10/06) 200524-1 Training Provision for Academic Integrity
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent...
Dear Harriet
F (07/06) 160524-1 Meetings about Protests
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent request
for info...
Dear Jamie
E (04/06) 140524-1 Renewable Energy Use
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent request
for informati...
Dear Philip
F (15/05) 240424-1 Contact Centre, CRM and AI & Automation
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent re...
Dear Marta
F (22/05) 010524-1 Management of Corporate Estates and Maintenance
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your re...
Dear David
F (10/04) 200324-1 Social Media Management Platform and Tools
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent...
Dear Aditi
F (11/04) 210324-2 Recruitment Agency Spend
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent request
for in...
Dear Mr Honeyghan
F (16/04) 260324-1 Graduate Outcome Data
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent request
for i...
Dear Jamie
F (22/02) 010224-1 Chinese Weapons Manufacturers Funding
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent re...
Dear Philip
F (15/03) 220223-2 Telephony and Storage
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent request
for informa...
Dear Rebecca
F (13/02) 230124-2 Ransomware Attacks
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent request
for informati...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown.