Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency
A defunct authority, also called qcda
This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.
13 requests
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
CReSt Final Project Report
Request to Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency by AQA. Annotated by Ganesh Sittampalam on .
There's now a copy of this available on WDTK, albeit with some slightly annoying watermarking: http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/82275/response/223...
Charging for past questions of publicly funded tests - cost benefit analysis
Response by Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency to Mark Crookes on .
Information not held
Dear Mr Crookes
Please find attached the response to your recent request for information
made under the Freedom of Information Act.
Yours sinc...
Doublestruck : Testbase software revenue
Response by Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency to Mark Crookes on .
Dear Mr Crookes
Please find attached the outcome of the internal review of the response to
your recent request made under the Freedom of Informati...
Request for Qualifications and Curriculum for NCPLH
Response by Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency to Ranjith on .
Information not held
Recently you requested personal assistance from our support center.
Below is a summary of your enquiry and our response.
If this issue is not resolve...
Policy documents - Common Purpose
Follow up sent to Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency by John Walker on .
Information not held
Dear Info Compliance,
I am NOT surprised that you don't have a policy for the
selection of personnel for Common Purpose training because this select...
How many learners were awarded the NCPLH qualification in the First Quarter 2007
Response by Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency to Paul Chase on .
Information not held
11 August, 2008
Mr Paul Chase
Our ref: RS1300
Dear Mr Chase
Freedom of Information Act request 1204
1. Your Freedom of Informat...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?
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Library of Congress Authority ID