Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency
A defunct authority, a elwir hefyd yn qcda
Nid yw'r awdurdod hwn yn bodoli bellach, felly ni allwch wneud cais iddo.
Cais 13
0 dilynwr
- pob cais
- ceisiadau llwyddiannus
- ceisiadau aflwyddiannus
- ceisiadau heb eu datrys
CReSt final project report
Dilynol a anfonwyd at Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency gan Ganesh Sittampalam ar .
Thanks very much.
Expenditure by the Qualifications & Curriculum Development Authority on recruiting permanent, temporary and interim staff during the period May 2008 to September 2010.
Ymateb gan Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency i Martin Griffith ar .
Rhannol lwyddiannus
Dear Mr Griffith
Please find attached QCDA's response to your request for information
below, made under the Freedom of Information Act.
Yours sincere...
Past questions income
Ymateb gan Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency i Mark Crookes ar .
Rhannol lwyddiannus
Dear Mr Crookes
Please find attached the response to your recent request for information
made under the Freedom of Information Act. I apologise for be...
Ymateb gan Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency i Steve Elibank ar .
Rhannol lwyddiannus
Dear Mr Elibank
Please find attached the response to your recent request for information
made under the Freedom of Information Act.
Yours sincerely...
Current Schedule of Contracts
Ymateb gan Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency i C. Graham ar .
Rhannol lwyddiannus
Dear C Graham
Please find attached the response to your recent request made under the
Freedom of Information Act.
Yours sincerely
Jane H...
Common Purpose expenditure and invoices
Ymateb gan Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency i Bob MacLean ar .
Rhannol lwyddiannus
Dear Mr MacLean
Please find attached response to your recent FOI request.
Many thanks.
Darryl Nunn
Head of Finance
Qualifications and Curriculu...
Dim ond ceisiadau a wnaed gan ddefnyddio WhatDoTheyKnow a ddangosir. ?