Places for People Group Limited

A limited company and a Registered Social Landlord in England, also called Places for People

This authority is not subject to FOI law, so is not legally obliged to respond (details).

65 requests
Talent Acquisition
Response by Places for People Group Limited to Charley Hill on .


Dear Charley Hill,   I write with reference to your recent Freedom of Information (FOI) request.   Places for People Group are not a public au...
Dear Francis Thank you for your email. Places for People is not a public body and therefore does not fall within the scope of the Freedom of Infor...
Environmental Management
Response by Places for People Group Limited to D Porter on .


Dear D Porter, Please accept our sincere apologies for our delay in responding to your request. We have collated the information you requested and...
Request 59 - 2009 to 2024
Request to Places for People Group Limited by MG Hands. Annotated by MG Hands on .

Long overdue

Annotations will be posted publicly here, and are not sent to Places for People Group Limited There are two key organisations that are refusing to re...
Dear M Hands,   I write in connection with your Freedom of Information (FOI) request, regarding access to boiler information. Please accept my apo...
Illegal sublets
Response by Places for People Group Limited to Jacob Paul on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Jacob Paul,   I write in connection with your Freedom of Information (FOI) request, regarding access to illegal sublets information. Please a...
Dear Matthew Etherington I write in response to your FOI request requesting information about email provider.   Places for People Group does not...
Annotations will be posted publicly here, and are not sent to Places for People Group Limited Quote Add an annotation to “Request 55 - waiting for ac...
Dear Tony Paul,   I write in response to your FOI request requesting information about email provider.   Places for People Group does not fall...
Dear Matt,   I write in response to your FOI request requesting information about Agency use in Maintenance Team.   Places for People Group do...
Social Housing Properties Currently Empty
Response by Places for People Group Limited to Kwajo Tweneboa on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Kwajo Tweneboa,   I write regarding your recent request for access to information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 concerning social...
Definitely Paused due to unusual unforseen unique and special circumstances beyond our control at this stage But Accepting transparency and accoun...
Dear Ellie Jones,   Thank you for your recent email requesting information. I write to notify you that we are unable to meet your request under t...
Professional Services Framework
Response by Places for People Group Limited to Sarah on .

Partially successful

Hello, Thank you for your request. The notice that replaced the below can be found here - [1]394718-2018 - Competition - TED ( The award...
Dear Karly Wright,   I write in response to your FOI request requesting information about consultancy services for Catalyst Housing Group.   P...
INEQUALITIES across organisations and institutions
Request to Places for People Group Limited by M Hands. Annotated by M Hands on .

Awaiting classification

Annotations will be posted publicly here, and are not sent to Places for People Group Limited Paused due to unusual unforseen unique and special circu...
Duty of care - environment
Request to Places for People Group Limited by M Hands. Annotated by M Hands on .

Long overdue

Paused due to unusual unforseen unique circumstances beyond our control But Accepting transparency and accountability in Public Service organisations...
Duty of care
Request to Places for People Group Limited by M Hands. Annotated by M Hands on .

Awaiting classification

Paused due to unusual unforseen unique circumstances beyond our control But Still accepting transparency and accountability in Public Service organis...
Request for info
Response by Places for People Group Limited to Rob Bates on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Rob Bates,   I write regarding your recent request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.   Places for People Group d...
Dear Josef Wasinski   I write regarding your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.   Places for People Group do n...
Dear Ellie Jones,   Thank you for your recent email requesting information. I write to notify you that we are unable to meet your request under t...
PfP - Governance oversight pt 1 United Kingdom
Request to Places for People Group Limited by M Hands. Annotated by M Hands on .

Information not held

we have longstanding unresolved transparency matters with CRE PfP now PfP and have asked the regulator annotation to “PfP - Governance oversight pt 1...
We have received SAR but not the right to peaceful enjoyment or the accurate responses we had expected We took the opportunity to ask Government ht...
BBQ food safety certificate?
Response by Places for People Group Limited to B Adams on .


Dear B Adams,   I write regarding your request, received 12 May 2023. I write to notify you that we are unable to meet your request under the Free...
Reasons for customers delaying appointments
Request to Places for People Group Limited by M Hands. Annotated by M Hands on .

Information not held

We have evidence today from another regarding inaccurate record keeping We shall review this to ascertain who is recording inaccurate information Who...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?