Request for tenancy information
Response by Pembrokeshire College to Stephen rochester on .

Awaiting classification

  Diolch am eich neges, yn anffodus nid wyf yn gallu ymateb i'ch e-bost.  Thank you for your email.  I am unavailable online and am unable to respo...
Agency Spend 23/24
Response by Pembrokeshire College to Danielle Keegan Nichol on .


Dear Danielle, In response to your FOI request, the College can confirm that we have not engaged with any agencies for the academic year 2023-24 so fa...
Management Structure and Contacts
Response by Pembrokeshire College to Tony Payne on .


Dear Tony, Please see attached the response to your FOI request. Please note that the College does not have a Head of Department for Foundation Le...
Dear Harry, As per your request, please see attached the current organisational chart for Pembrokeshire College. There are no current vacancies and a...
Retail and commercial enterprise funding
Response by Pembrokeshire College to Stephen Vaughan on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Stephen,    Please find attached a spreadsheet showing the Learning Area Programme ( LAP) values for our full-time FE courses in SSA7 Commerc...
DBS Applications
Request sent to Pembrokeshire College by Victor Howe on .

Long overdue

Please can you advise how your establishment process DBS applications where applicable - is this paper or do you use a particular 3rd party provider an...
Agency Spend 2022/23
Response by Pembrokeshire College to Emma Beal on .


Dear Emma, Please see below the response to your request: Total spend for 2022-23 so far = £3,408.81 This was all for the following; Agency: Teache...
Dear [Name Removed]Further to a review of your freedom of information act request, please find a further response to your queries:    1. How many...
Good afternoon Nigel   Further to your recent freedom of information request, please find below the information requested.   Please find attac...
Digital & Retail Technologies
Response by Pembrokeshire College to steven griffin on .


Responses below:
IT Print and PC Supplier
Response by Pembrokeshire College to Matthew Varns on .

Awaiting classification

Hi Matthew  I require some clarification please. For what reason do you need contact details. Our staff do not give out contact details for marketin...
Dear Mr Robey Further to your below request, please see below breakdown of agency fees paid by the College since 2017. As a College we minimise the us...
FOI: bereavement services
Response by Pembrokeshire College to Poppy Damon on .


Dear Poppy and Georgia,   Thank you for your email requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act,  I am pleased  to be able to provi...
FOI Request - PGCE courses
Response by Pembrokeshire College to Guto Llewelyn on .


Dear Guto,   Please see attached the response to your Freedom of Information request.   Kind regards,   Catherine   Catherine Freeman...
Response by Pembrokeshire College to Lauren Morgan on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Lauren, In response to your query, the information that the College is required to publish in relation to remuneration is contained within the an...
Dear Mr Harris I write further to your request under the Freedom of Information Act and am pleased to supply you with the following information. 1) T...
A Level Data 2010 - 2017
Response by Pembrokeshire College to P Jenkins on .

Awaiting classification

Dear P Jenkins,   Please find attached the information in response to your request:   I require the following data for all A level subjects del...
Recruitment Advertising
Response by Pembrokeshire College to Julia Owen on .

Long overdue

Dear Julia Please see below the information that you requested. I hope that this is helpful to you. Further to the FOI from Julia Owen (dated 04/10/...
Work programme questions
Response by Pembrokeshire College to sian morris on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Sian Thank you for your contact. I am unclear as to what you are asking here. I have however forwarded your letter to Working links who will be h...
Benefit sanctions referred by Pembrokeshire College Work Programme
Request to Pembrokeshire College by sian morris. Annotated by sian morris on .

Awaiting internal review

have sent complaint to the IC
Response by Pembrokeshire College to Ryan Evans on .


Dear Mr Evans I am pleased to respond to your freedom of Information and environmental regulation request with the following information. In response...
Benefit sanctions for those with children
Response by Pembrokeshire College to sian morris on .

Information not held

Dear Sian Further to your Freedom of Information request regarding benefit sanctions for those with Children. Unfortunately we do not keep a record of...
cost of 'The Fairy Job Mother'
Response by Pembrokeshire College to sian morris on .


Sian Thank you for your email and apologies that a reply has not reached you. Further to your request under the Freedom of Information Act , please...
Dear Sian Further to your request under the Freedom of Information Act I trust that you have now received a response directly from the Prime Provider...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?