Park House School, Newbury

An academy and a school

3 requests
School timetable
Request sent to Park House School, Newbury by Simon Cundick on .

Long overdue

Under the Freedom of Information Act, please could I be provided with a copy of the school's master timetable? I do not expect staff members to be name...
Schools RAAC Pt3 (Academies)
Response by Park House School, Newbury to Yohannes Lowe on .

Long overdue

I have now left Park House School. Please contact the School Office if you have any queries: [email address] or 01635 573911.
WBC Requests to use meeting rooms
Request to Park House School, Newbury by mark. Annotated by Mark Hayes-Newington on .


I have emailed the school directly who record they have no record of any request for use of the premises

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?