Oxford Direct Services Limited

A company owned by local government and a limited company, also called ODSL

182 requests
Staff Dismissal Statistics
Request sent to Oxford Direct Services Limited by Gregg Mobbs on .

Awaiting response

Please provide the number of staff dismissed in each of the last 5 years, grouped by grade and (if possible) by reason. Please also provide the numbe...
Resignation Details
Response by Oxford Direct Services Limited to Tony Ashton on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Tony Ashton, I am writing to you regarding your FOI request concerning "Resignation Details" which was referred as a complaint to the ICO (Ref...
Dear Emma Hardy Freedom of Information, Oxford Direct Services - Reference: ODS-285 Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information...
Reducing Absenteeism Communications
Response by Oxford Direct Services Limited to Catherine Watson on .

Awaiting classification

Good afternoon, Thank you for your query regarding the application of Section 40 (Personal Data Exemption) within the document in question: File: FOI...
Targeted Apprenticeship Scheme
Follow up sent to Oxford Direct Services Limited by Tanya Burr on .

Awaiting internal review

Dear ODS Freedom of Information, Oops.... that was "Virtue Signalling"! Yours sincerely, Tanya Burr
Reported Misconduct of Employees to Council
Response by Oxford Direct Services Limited to Janie Anderson on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Janie Anderson, Freedom of Information Request, Oxford Direct Services – Reference: ODS-244 Thank you for your request regarding Reported Mis...
Potential Employees with Criminal Records
Response by Oxford Direct Services Limited to Wojciech Czaja on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Wojciech Czaja Freedom of Information, Oxford Direct Services - Reference: ODS-282 Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Informat...
New Director of Finance
Follow up sent to Oxford Direct Services Limited by Tony Ashton on .

Awaiting internal review

Dear ODS Freedom of Information, You refused to provide payment details in this request, yet provided full payment details in a different FOIA that...
Dear Tony Ashton, Freedom of Information, Oxford Direct Services - Reference: ODS-205 Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Informatio...
Invoices Hays Recruitment
Response by Oxford Direct Services Limited to Tony Ashton on .


Dear Tony Ashton, Freedom of Information, Oxford Direct Services - Reference: ODS-268 We can confirm £16,499 is the total and final cost for contract...
Salary Pay Bands for the Past 4 Years
Internal review request sent to Oxford Direct Services Limited by Martin Ackerman on .

Awaiting internal review

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am writing to request an internal review of Oxford Direct Services L...
Please provide a copy of the job description documents for all contract or agency staff earning in excess of £60,000 per annum, based on full-time equi...
Positive Action
Request sent to Oxford Direct Services Limited by Arthur Stewart on .

Awaiting response

1. Please provide copies of all working documents you hold concerning the ODS's position regarding "positive action" in the workplace. 2. Does ODS rec...
Newbuild Terraced Houses in Blackbird Leys
Response by Oxford Direct Services Limited to Andy Powell on .

Awaiting internal review

Dear Andy Powell, Freedom of Information, Oxford Direct Services - Reference: ODS-239 Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Informatio...
Dear Andy Powell, Freedom of Information, Oxford Direct Services - Reference: ODS-270 Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Informatio...
Boward Tree Surgery (OXFORD) LTD
Response by Oxford Direct Services Limited to Gary Stevens on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Gary Stevens, Freedom of Information, Oxford Direct Services - Reference: ODS-279 Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Informati...
Smart energy meters installed
Response by Oxford Direct Services Limited to Emma Bertie on .


Dear Emma Bertie Freedom of Information, Oxford Direct Services - Reference: ODS-275 Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information...
Employee pension entitlements
Response by Oxford Direct Services Limited to Tomaz Kuzuba on .


Dear Tomaz Kuzuba, Freedom of Information, Oxford Direct Services - Reference: ODS-264 Apologies if our response caused any confusion, to confirm: T...
Gule-e Personnel
Response by Oxford Direct Services Limited to Martin Henson on .


Dear Martin Henson, Freedom of Information, Oxford Direct Services – Reference: ODS-178 Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Informat...
Dear Gary Stevens, Freedom of Information, Oxford Direct Services - Reference: ODS-267 Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Informati...
Dear Paul Odula, Freedom of Information, Oxford Direct Services - Reference: ODS-267 Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information...
Underrepresented Minorities in Workforce
Internal review request sent to Oxford Direct Services Limited by Marina Curzon on .

Awaiting internal review

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am writing to request an internal review of Oxford Direct Services L...
DEI Costs
Response by Oxford Direct Services Limited to Amrita Babu on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Amrita Babu, Freedom of Information, Oxford Direct Services - Reference: ODS-263 Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Informatio...
Reducing Employee Absenteeism
Response by Oxford Direct Services Limited to Catherine Watson on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Catherine Watson, Freedom of Information, Oxford Direct Services - Reference: ODS-260 Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Infor...
Roken House Development
Response by Oxford Direct Services Limited to Dan Wilkins on .


Dear Dan Wilkins, Freedom of Information, Oxford Direct Services - Reference: ODS-252 Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Informatio...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?