North Highland College
A further educational institution a a defunct authority
Nid yw'r awdurdod hwn yn bodoli bellach, felly ni allwch wneud cais iddo.
Cais 37
0 dilynwr
Asbestos in NHC sites
Ymateb gan North Highland College i Dorothy Mackay ar .
Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad
Dear Dorothy
I refer to your request for information under the Freedom of Information
(Scotland) Act 2002 and The Environmental Information (Sco...
Dear North Highland College,
Please can you advise how your establishment process DBS applications where applicable - is this paper or do you use a p...
Please find the following response to your Freedom of Information Request.
Do you offer special provisions for counselling services for students Answe...
Funding for Mental Health in Colleges AY21-22
Ymateb gan North Highland College i John Gallacher ar .
Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad
Dear Mr Gallacher,
Following my email of 30^th November, I can advise that the responses on
behalf of North Highland College UHI to the points you ra...
Dear Mr Gallacher,
I can advise that I now have the information you requested, and apologise on behalf of the College for the delay in responding to yo...
Dear Mr Gallacher,
I refer to your request dated 5th October and attach an Excel spreadsheet containing the information requested.
I hope that this in...
Use of PR & Media Firms
Dilynol a anfonwyd at North Highland College gan Jamie Mann ar .
Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad
Thanks for confirming Fiona,
Yours sincerely,
Jamie Mann
Gender balance and register of interests of board members
Cais wedi ei anfon i North Highland College gan The Ferret Media Ltd ar .
Yn hwyr ofnadwy
Dear North Highland College,
Please treat this as a freedom of information request.
In November 2015 The First Minister made a commitment to work t...
Dear Mr Gallagher,
Further to the email I sent to you this morning, the responses to your questions are provided below. For ease of reference I have re...
Information regarding student placements
Ymateb gan North Highland College i S A Smith ar .
Rhannol lwyddiannus
Dear S A Smith,
Following my email of 14th January, I can advise that the College has given further consideration to your initial request of 3rd June 2...
Mr Gallacher,
Please find the following information in response to your freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002 request.
This has been produced...
John, please find a re-issued FOI response.
After consulting the Whatdotheyknow website, it appears that our response
on the 31st of March has not b...
Staff Accessing College Buildings
Ymateb gan North Highland College i John Gallacher ar .
Mr Gallacher,
Please find the following response to your FOI dated 20^th June 2020.
1. Since lockdown until 19 June 2020, can you please pr...
Please find the response from our HR team.
(1) How many hours of facility time per week are allocated to the various
trade unions within your colleg...
Good Morning,
Please see the attached documents for the answer to your FOI request.
Kind Regards
Adam Pool
This publication complies with the pub...
Good afternoon,
Please find the completed Freedom of Information Request in respect to
I trust this answers your request.
The North...
This afternoon, I attending governance training by V/C.
I have limited access to emails sent to this address and may be slower
than usual to respon...
Please find attached your response to the below FOI request.
I trust this is satisfactory.
Penny Gunn
PA to the Principal
Good Morning Pease find the response to your FOI request.
Kind Regards
Adam Pool
Secretary to the Board of Management
North Highland College UHI
Good Morning,
Please see the response to your FOI request.
Kind Regards
1. If support staff are allowed breaks in your College please clarify...
Good Afternoon,
Please see below for your FOI request response.
Kind Regards
Adam Pool
Secretary to the Board of Management
North Highland College...
Good Afternoon.
With regards to your FOI request the College currently has no Modern Apprentices.
Kind Regards
Adam Pool
Secretary to the Board of...
Good Afternoon,
Please find the response to your FOI request attached.
Kind Regards
Adam Pool
Secretary to the Board of Management
North Highland...
Safeguarding: Policy and Procedure
Ymateb gan North Highland College i Mrs Maclean ar .
Good morning,
Please find attached a response for your freedom of Information request.
Enrolling a student on the sex offender's register - The stu...
Staff Grades and Salary Conservation due to Merger/Restructure
Ymateb gan North Highland College i John Gallacher ar .
Good Morning.
Please find attached the response to your FOI Request.
Dear North Highland College,
Per the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002...
Dim ond ceisiadau a wnaed gan ddefnyddio WhatDoTheyKnow a ddangosir. ?