North Down Borough Council

A district council in Northern Ireland, a principal council and a defunct authority

This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.

57 requests
IT Spend
Response by North Down Borough Council to Simon Dunlop on .


    Dear Mr Dunlop   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request received on 29 July.   Please accept my apologies for the delay in p...
Temporary Agency Staffing
Response by North Down Borough Council to Chris Grimes on .


    Subject: FW: FOI/307/14 - Temporary Agency Staffing     Dear Mr Grimes,                                 I refer to your Freedom Of Info...
Software Licenses
Response by North Down Borough Council to Leo Wu on .


    Dear Mr Wu,                          I refer to your Freedom Of Information request received by Email on the 2^nd February last in relation to...
Filming of council meetings
Follow up sent to North Down Borough Council by Jeremy Cooke on .

Withdrawn by the requester

Dear Kilpatrick , James, I can't really explain your records - as you can see from the above it was submitted. As I say I see no point in continuin...
Response by North Down Borough Council to Scott Davies on .


  Dear Mr Davies,                                I refer to your Freedom Of Information request concerning Air Conditioning and respond to each of...
Luckily a kind soul pointed me in the direction of the information
Food Rating
Response by North Down Borough Council to Mrs L O'Cally on .


Dear Mrs O’Cally,   Please see attached, copy Food Hygiene inspection report as requested.   I hope this is of assistance.  If you have any fur...
Response by North Down Borough Council to Mrs L O'Cally on .


Dear Mrs O'Cally The Officer responsible for FOIs is Mr James Kilpatrick. His email address is [email address] I hope this is of assistance regard...
Strangford and Lecale Partnership resent
Response by North Down Borough Council to Mrs L O'Cally on .

Information not held

Dear Sir,   Thank you for your FOI request but I would advise that this is not within the remit of North Down Borough Council.  I believe that thi...
Strangford and Lecale Partnership
Request sent to North Down Borough Council by Mrs L O'Cally on .

Long overdue

I would like to make the following request under Freedom of Information Act 2000 What is the total amount of money you have paid to “Strangford and L...
I would like to make a request under the freedom of information act to obtain information regarding school cluster groups and/or federations of schools...
Climate change adaptation strategy
Request sent to North Down Borough Council by Tom Cole on .

Long overdue

1) Do you have a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and/or Policy (or similar)? If so please attach. 2) Has this document been adopted by Council or...
Follow up sent to North Down Borough Council by Ben on .

Long overdue

Response to this request is delayed. By law, North Down Borough Council should normally have responded promptly and by 16 December 2013 Yours faithfu...
Payments under Article 40 planning agreements
Request sent to North Down Borough Council by Ruth Hayhurst on .

Information not held

Please provide the following details for all payments received under Article 40 planning agreements: • The value of the payment • The purpose of the...
Complaints of child abuse re Whiteabbey Training School
Internal review request sent to North Down Borough Council by rebecca hemsley on .

Awaiting internal review

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am writing to request an internal review of North Down Borough Counc...
Building Control Qualifications
Request sent to North Down Borough Council by Robert King on .

Long overdue

I am writing to request information about the qualifications held by the current building control inspectors, surveyors and senior staff and Environmen...
Child Abuse at Rathgael Young Offenders Centre
Response by North Down Borough Council to rebecca hemsley on .

Information not held

Thank you for your FOI request, but I would advise you that North Down Borough Council does not have responsibility for this facility.   Thank you...
Social housing request
Response by North Down Borough Council to Caroline Egglestone on .


Dear Sir/Madam,   Thank you for your FOI request, but may I advise that Local Government in Northern Ireland does not have responsibility for hous...
Response by North Down Borough Council to paul ogden on .


Freedom Of Information Request - Funerals     Dear Paula in response to your Freedom Of Information request received by Email yesterday 8^th Apr...
Dear Mr Whittaker,                                      I refer to your Freedom Of Information request received by Email on the 8^th March last in r...
Legal Case management system
Response by North Down Borough Council to Gordon on .


Dear Mr Boyce, Thank you for your Freedom Of Information request received today in relation to the above matter. I have to advise that this Council d...
Dear Sir/Madam,   Further to your FOI response, may I respond as follows:-   Olympic Torch Relay packs (flags, bunting, etc)   £341.00   Ol...
Bangor Sportsplex
Response by North Down Borough Council to Marie Burns on .


Dear Mrs Burns, I refer to your Freedom Of Information request received by EMail on the 13th March last in relation to the above matter and this Counc...
Fleet size
Request sent to North Down Borough Council by marc willis on .

Long overdue

The Local Authority is requested to provide a list of motor vehicles owned or leased to the council. Please include; Fleet number (if used), Make, M...
Dog complaints
Response by North Down Borough Council to Dan Scott on .

Awaiting classification

Thank you for your email.   This email is no longer in use.  Please refer all queries to [email address] or contact reception on 028 9127 0371. ...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?