Nottinghamshire County Teaching Primary Care Trust (PCT)

A part of the National Health Service and a defunct authority, also called NHS Nottinghamshire County

This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.

57 requests
Dear Sajid Khan   Section 17 (1)  of the Freedom of Information Act requires a public authority to confirm or deny that the information requested...
  Dear Mr Grainger   Further to your request for information from NHS Nottinghamshire County, please see the information below    1) Contact...
Sinus Surgery

Waiting clarification

Dear K Rose I am writing to ask you to clarify your request. This is because we are not certain of the information that you have requested in your em...
  Dear Mr Walters   RE: Freedom of Information Request     Further to your correspondence dated Tuesday 1^st April 2013 I can confirm that...
Dear RE: Freedom of Information Request Further to your request for information from NHS Nottinghamshire County, please see the information adjacen...
Social Care

Information not held

Dear J O’Brien   RE: Freedom of Information Request   Further to your request for information from NHS Nottinghamshire County I am writing to...
Dear Mr Goodchild   RE: Freedom of Information Request   Further to your correspondence dated Tuesday 29^th January 2013 I can confirm that NH...
Dear Ms Burnside RE: Freedom of Information Request Further to your request for information from NHS Nottinghamshire County please see the attached...
Dear Ms Lucas   RE: Freedom of Information Request   Further to your request for information from NHS Nottinghamshire County please find attac...
Dear Ms Brook RE: Freedom of Information Request Further to your request for clarification in relation to the above referenced Freedom of Info...
  Dear Mr Goodchild   RE: Freedom of Information Request   Further to your request for information from NHS Nottinghamshire County, please s...
Dear PJ Ballinger RE: Children under care of Health visitors needing extra support Further to your request for information I am writing to inform yo...
Dear PJ Ballinger RE: Health Visitor Numbers and Caseload sizes 2006-2012 Further to your request for information I am writing to inform you that th...
Dear PJ Ballinger RE: Specialist Health Visitors 2006-2012 Further to your request for information I am writing to inform you that the information y...
.  Dear Sejal Chauhan   Please see information requested in attached document.    Should you have any further enquiries or queries about this...
Dear Mr Goodchild   Further to your request for a review of our previous response to your Freedom of Information request regarding practice manage...
Dear Matthew Brindley   RE: Freedom of Information Request   Further to your request for information from NHS Nottinghamshire County, please s...
Dear Zoe O’Connell   RE: Freedom of Information Request   Further to your request for information from NHS Nottinghamshire County, please see...
Dear Emma Griffiths FOI 1213/07122011 Further to your request for information from NHS Nottinghamshire County, please see the attached document cont...
Dear Mr Thompson Further to your request for information, I can confirm that the PCT had not received your follow-up email from the 14th February, an...
Hi Joe You had put your request through the and I have checked it for any outstanding responses; yours was on there. They may need...
Dear P J Ballinger Thank you for your email received today. Health visitors and community nursing staff are employed by County Health Partnerships an...
  Dear Chris Donohue   RE: Freedom of Information Request   Further to your request for information from NHS Nottinghamshire County, please...
Dear Mr McKenzie FOI Request 1152/10202011 Further to your request for information from NHS Nottinghamshire County, much of the information you ask...
  Dear S Langham   RE: Freedom of Information Request   Further to your request for information from NHS Nottinghamshire County, please see...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?