Please find attached response letter from NHS Calderdale. If you have any
problems opening this attachment please don't he...
Please find attached response letter from NHS Calderdale. If you have any
problems opening this attachment please don't hesi...
Please find attached response letter from NHS Calderdale. If you have any
problems opening this attachment please don't he...
I will pass you query on for clarification.
Dear Michelle
Further to your recent FOI request please find below the response from
Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust.
If you a...
Please find attached response letter from NHS Calderdale. If you have any
problems opening this attachment please don'...
Please find attached FOI acknowledgement letter from NHS Calderdale. If
you have any problems opening this attachment ple...
Please find attached response letter from NHS Calderdale. If you have any
problems opening this attachment please don't...
Thank you for your email. The Health Visiting Team, being a part of Provider Services has had their own arrangements for keeping records prior to t...
Please find attached response letter from NHS Calderdale. If you have any
problems opening this attachment please don't hesitate t...
Thank you.
I will log and acknowledge the new request in the next few hours.
Anna Lewandowska
Anna L...
For the years 2006-2012 can you state for each year the numbers of
Specialist Health Visitors (Public Health Nurse Practitioners) AfC
grade 7 working...
Our response still stands. As a commissioning organisation, we do not
issue communication devices (to support speech therapy).
Because of...
Please find attached response letter from NHS Calderdale. If you have any
problems opening this attachment please don't...
Please find attached response letter from NHS Calderdale. If you have any
problems opening this attachment please don't hes...
Please find attached response letter from NHS Calderdale. If you have any
problems opening this attachment please don't hesitate t...
Please find attached response letter from NHS Calderdale. If you have any
problems opening this attachment please don't hesitate t...
Please find attached the response in a different format.
Anna Lewandowska
Anna Lewandowska | I...
Please find attached response letter from NHS Calderdale. If you have any
problems opening this attachment please don't hes...
Please find attached response letter from NHS Calderdale. If you have any
problems opening this attachment please don't hes...
Dear Anna Lewandowska,
Thank you for your message - yes please transfer my request, it's excellent that your trust provides this service :)
Please find attached response letter from NHS Calderdale. If you have any
problems opening this attachment please don't hesitate t...
Please find attached response letter from NHS Calderdale. If you have any
problems opening this attachment please don't h...
Please find attached response letter from NHS Calderdale. If you have any
problems opening this attachment please don't hesitate t...
Please find attached response letter from NHS Calderdale. If you have any
problems opening this attachment please don't hesitate t...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown.