Newry and Mourne District Council

A district council in Northern Ireland, a principal council and a defunct authority

This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.

52 requests
Building Control Qualifications
Response by Newry and Mourne District Council to Robert King on .


Robert Please be advised that the report indicates all training providing to both departments, some of the training is specific to each department a...
Temporary Agency Staffing
Response by Newry and Mourne District Council to Chris Grimes on .


Dear Chris Further to your FOI request, please find below our response: 1. How much money did the Council spend on temporary agency staff for the...
Fixed penalty notices for dog fouling
Response by Newry and Mourne District Council to Peter Williams on .

Withdrawn by the requester

Your message Subject: Freedom of Information request - Fixed penalty notices for dog fouling was not delivered to: [Newry and Mourne District Coun...
Could you please provide the following information? 1. When your current contract with HR and Payroll software expires. 2. When your current contrac...
Request sent to Newry and Mourne District Council by Andrew McNair on .

Long overdue

To whom it may concern, Could you please detail the salary of your highest paid employee within the council, and the salary of the highest paid empl...
Software Licenses
Follow up sent to Newry and Mourne District Council by Leo Wu on .

Partially successful

Could you please answer my question as soon as possible? Thank you very much indeed. Yours faithfully, Leo Wu
Please STOP sending these request delayed respounce anymore SCAM webmaster will banish them sorry no more involved than lotto jackpot winner Mary Hamil...
Dear Sir/Madam I wish to advise that your request for information on the above has been referred to Translink. Regards Briege ******************...
Response by Newry and Mourne District Council to Scott Davies on .


Good Afternoon Scott Thank you for your email dated 9 October 2014 in relation to information regarding Air Conditioning Assessment certification....
Follow up sent to Newry and Mourne District Council by Ted Pooms on .

Long overdue

Hello Is there anybody there? Yours faithfully, Ted Pooms
IT Spend
Request sent to Newry and Mourne District Council by Simon Dunlop on .

Long overdue

Can you please provide a detailed break-down of the expenditure of the council on IT in the last three years Please include amount and supplier....
Prompt Payment Reporting
Response by Newry and Mourne District Council to Jayne Girvan on .


Dear Madam Please accept my sincere apologies for delay I  have been off with flu and am only back today, nevertheless I should have had information...
Vehicle Fleet Information
Request sent to Newry and Mourne District Council by Liam Bonar on .

Long overdue

Please can you provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 1 .A list of vehicles owned or leased to the cou...
Response by Newry and Mourne District Council to Ted Pooms on .


Ted, Sorry for delay. Records up until recently where kept across relevant departments, with not departments keeping historic records due to low volu...
Mr Cole I refer to your FOI request relating to 'Climate Change Adaption Strategy'. 1) The Council have a Sustainable Development Action Plan whic...
Response by Newry and Mourne District Council to Ted Pooms on .


Ted, Please find attached summary of fees paid. These totals include, not just solicitors fees, but legal counsel costs. If you require any further i...
In response to the above FOI request I can advise that we have had no complaints raised with us by tenants and have taken no enforcement action of an...
Follow up sent to Newry and Mourne District Council by Ben on .

Long overdue

Response to this request is delayed. By law, Newry and Mourne District Council should normally have responded promptly and by 16 December 2013 Yours...
Payments under Article 40 planning agreements
Response by Newry and Mourne District Council to Ruth Hayhurst on .

Information not held

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. As you are asking for information relating to Planning, I would suggest you contact the Planning...
LHA/HB costs
Response by Newry and Mourne District Council to Pamela Stoneman on .


As Housing is the responsibility of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, you should contact them. Contact details below:- Briege Magill Adminis...
Response by Newry and Mourne District Council to paul ogden on .


Paul I will respond to your questions as follows; 1. 2010/11-   1        2011/12-   0    2012/13-  1 2.   1 female and 1 male 3    Both wer...
Caroline,  You should refer this request to the NIHE Details below.   *  Briege Magill Administration Manager Tel:  028-3031-3037 SAVE PAPE...
FAO Juliet Ferguson Dear Ms Ferguson Please see below response with regards to the above FOI request.  Apologies for the delay in responding. Ne...
Legal Case management system
Response by Newry and Mourne District Council to Gordon on .


Please note we do not have a legal services team. Briege Magill Administration Manager Tel:  028-3031-3037
A Park named McCreesh
Response by Newry and Mourne District Council to Jason on .


No problem Jason - posted today. Briege Magill Administration Manager Tel:  028-3031-3037 SAVE PAPER! PLEASE THINK BEFORE YOU PRINT! From: Jas...

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