Dear Ms Keegan Nichol,
You wrote to us requesting details of our agency spend so far in the
2023/2024 academic year - I can tell you that this f...
Dear Mr Payne,
I am the person who deals with FOI requests and I do apologise for the delay in responding to your request.
However, I now attach a co...
Dear Mr Harry Dowling,
I am the person who deals with FOI requests and I do apologise for the
delay in responding to your request.
Dear Ms Sharpe,
I do apologise but it has come to my attention that an earlier version of the organigram you requested has previously been shared wit...
As part of the Climate Change Agenda following COP26 we are compiling a list of Organisations who do not comply with current legal requirements under T...
Dear Ms Sharpe,
I do apologise for the delay in getting back to you on this. It does sit
with me but I am just waiting on our finance team for s...
Dear Mr Pearson,
Apologies for the delay in getting back to you regarding your FOI request
in relation to confidential waste but your emails app...
FOI Response not received – reference request of 22/07/2020
Please respond to our FOI or advise why we have not yet had a response. Legally, Public Au...
Please can you clarify what you mean specifically when you refer to agency
John Prescott
Assistant Principal & Clerk to the Corporation...
Can you provide a breakdown of money spent with recruitment agencies over the 18/19 academic year so far. Can you also specify the money spent with eac...
Please find attached NSCG Organisational Management Structure Chart.
John Prescott
Assistant Principal & Clerk to the Corporation
This is a polite reminder to complete the FOI request dated 13/02/2019, as this is now overdue.
Yours faithfully,
Please provide a breakdown of the domicile split of full-time students attending the institution for the last 5 years up to and including 2016-17 or th...
2013/14 Total Full Time Undergraduates: 6106 students Total Full Time Postgraduates: 0 students Total Part Time Undergraduates: 4056 students Total Par...
Please can you provide me with the details of the following:
(i) Total spend on agency staffing for the financial year April 2017 to March 2018.
I am making a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
My son goes to NULC, he is subject to an EHC plan. My request is 'How much do NULC r...
Please can you provide me with details of the following:
(i) Total spend on agency staffing for the financial year April 2016 to March 2017.
(ii) P...
Following my original request in May 2017, please can you provide me with details of the following:
(i) Total spend on agency staffing for the financ...
I am writing to make an Open Government request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to assist you with this request, I am outlining my...
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please confirm agency us...
Please could you provide me with the following information:
Temporary agency labour spend breakdown for the last 12 months including which agencies y...
The College is aware of the legislation concerning TM44 Air Conditioning
assessments. As the only building affected by the requirements is just 5
The response to my request is now delayed - please do get back to be on the subject of my query as soon as you can. By law, a response to my query was...
Please find attached information requested.
John Prescott
Assistant Principal & Clerk to the Corporation
Newcastle-under-Lyme College
Tel: 017...
Dear John,
Thanks for your help.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur Burns
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown.