Please find below our response to your request for information
Hi Luke
Please find below our response to your request.
Academic Registry
Dear Mr Payne
Further to your request for information.
Organisation charts for senior curriculum and corporate member of staff, are available from ou...
Hi Ashleigh
Please find attached our response to your FoI request.
Academic Registry
Management of Corporate Estates and Maintenance
Ymateb gan New College Durham i Harold Smith ar .
Rhannol lwyddiannus
Further to you request for information.
We manage our facilities in-house. We currently do not have a CAFM system.
Academic Registry
Hi Dave
Please find below our response to your FoI request
1) Do you use a tool for live chat/ web chat? - Yes
2) If so, which supplier do you use fo...
Organogram – 2023/2024 including plans for 2024/2025
Ymateb gan New College Durham i Harry Dowling ar .
Dear Mr Dowling
Further to you request for information.
Organisation charts for senior curriculum and corporate member of staff, who are all SLT memb...
Further to you request, please find below our response
The details we require are:
1) Do you use a social listening platform? 2) If so, what tools do y...
Please find our response to your request. This is in the form of a hierarchy list, as we do not have a structure chart for that department. We are not...
1. Does your organisation currently operate an SCS delivered by an
external provider? - no
- If yes, please provide details, including contract expi...
Thank you for your request, this information has recently been requested
by another enquirer and is already on the website, but here it is again.
Apologies for the delay in response. You request has only just been received by the IC team.
On this occasion we are refusing your request (Section 21...
We used a 3^rd party supplier, c 500 applications annually
[2][IMG] [3][IMG] [4][IMG] [5][IMG]
New College Durham, Framwellgate Moor Cam...
Cost Code School External Agency Amount
AED01 Adult Education Employer Links Ltd 2,250.00
AED01 Adult Education Evolution Training 1,674.00
AED01 To...
Please find below our response to your request.
What are the contractual performance KPI's for this contract? –
1. Delivery within 24hrs o...
Trainee teacher NQT data request.
Ymateb gan New College Durham i Luke Jacob ar .
Rhannol lwyddiannus
Dear Mr Jacob
Please see our responses below in brackets. As you can see we answered your first two questions in full but were unable to answer your t...
Please find attached our response to your FoI request
Academic Registry
[2][IMG] [3][IMG] [4][IMG] [5][IMG]
New College Durham...
Apprenticship delivery Hours
Ymateb gan New College Durham i Jennny Lonsdale ar .
Rhannol lwyddiannus
Dear Ms Lonsdale
In response to your request please see the attached spreadsheet.
Please note that we do not offer courses in Plastering....
Hi Thomas
Please find below our response to your FoI request.
Steve Mason-Taylor
Information Co-ordinator
The information is available from our FoI Publication Scheme on our website,
Please find below our response to your FoI Request
Department Agency Spend
Additional Learner Support 149.40
Advice Support & Careers 420.00
Hi Vera
Please find attached our response to you FoI request.
Academic Registry
[2][IMG] [3][IMG] [4][IMG] [5][IMG]
New Coll...
Agency Spend 2019-2020 organogram/structure char
Ymateb gan New College Durham i Lisa Tucker ar .
Hi Lisa
Please find attached our spend on agency staff.
The structure chart of our leadership team in available via our Publication Scheme on our web...
Hi Ruth
Please find attached our response to your recent FoI request.
Kind regards
New College Durham, FoI Team
Organisational Structure Chart 2019/2020
Ymateb gan New College Durham i Ruth Collins ar .
Hi Ruth
Further to the above request. As the information is accessible by other means (in this case the College Publication Scheme) we are using an Ab...
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