Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority

A waste disposal authority, also called MWDA

24 requests
IT Service supplier and equipment
Response by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority to LoveFOI2022 on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Jones Your information request to Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority (MWDA) Ref. 200125 Further to your request to MWDA in which you detail...
Social Media Management Tool
Request sent to Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority by David (Dave) Campbell on .

Long overdue

The information that we require is as follows:- 1) Do you use a social media management platform? 2) If so, what tools do you use? 3) What is your a...
Dear Mr Lightfoot   RE: Your information request to Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority (MWDA) Ref: 181122 Further to your request to MWDA in wh...
Dear Ms Smith Your information request to Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority (MWDA) Ref. 130224 Further to your request to MWDA in which you deta...
Dear FOI Team, I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to the contract below. In...
Dear Ms Broad   Your information request to Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority (MWDA) Ref. 301023   Thank you for your request for informatio...
Dear John, That's great, thank you. Yours sincerely, Emma Kilmurray
Images of Sefton Meadows Landfill site
Response by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority to S.M Cousins on .

Information not held

Dear Sir or Madam   RE: Your information request to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Ref: 180521   Further to your information request...
Dear Sirs   RE: Your information request to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Ref: 170122A   Further to your recent request to Merseysi...
Details about Municipal waste
Response by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority to Pritam Singh on .

Partially successful

Dear Sirs   RE: Your Freedom of Information request to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Ref: 170122B   Further to your recent request...
Waste Composition Data
Response by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority to Pritam Singh on .

Partially successful

Dear Sirs   RE: Your information request to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Ref: 250122   Further to your information request to Mers...
Destination of all Municipal Waste Collected
Response by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority to Pritam Singh on .

Partially successful

Dear Sirs   RE: Your information request to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Ref: 170122   Further to your recent request to Merseysid...
FOI request employees policy
Response by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority to Sam Williams on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Sam Williams   RE: Your information request to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Ref: 110621   Thank you for contacting the Author...
Dog Waste Bins
Response by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority to Tori Saunders on .

Information not held

Good afternoon, thank you for contacting Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority. For this information please contact your local council, they will b...
Fleet List
Response by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority to Peter Jarman on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Jarman   Your information request to Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority REF: 200918   Thank you for contacting the Authority with you...
Use of Body Worn Video
Response by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority to Sarah Brown on .


Dear RE: Your information request to Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority REF: 281171   Thank you for contacting the Authority with your informat...
TM44 Air Conditioning Assessments
Response by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority to Paul Evans on .


Dear Mr Evans   Re: You information request to Merseyside Recyling and Waste Authority MRWA Ref: 160916   Thank you for request regarding TM44...
ERP System
Response by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority to Antoine Cornet on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Cornet RE: Your information request to Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority Ref. 04.07.16 In response to your email, the financial informatio...
LOBO loans
Response by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority to Joan Grant on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Grant   Apologies – the reference for your enquiry should read Ref:180416 and not Ref:100416   Yours sincerely   Colette Gill Co...
IT Support Services
Response by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority to John Wicker on .


Dear Mr Wicker   Re: Your Freedom of Information request to Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Ref: 260112   Further to your Freedom of...
netname: Merseyside-Residuary-Body
Response by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority to John Bradley on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Bradley Re: Your Freedom of Information Request to Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority Ref: 160611 Thank you for your request. In...
Mis-fuelling of motor vehicles
Response by Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority to Nick Panchaud on .


Dear Mr Panchaud Your Freedom of Information Request to Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority Ref: FOI230910 Further to your Freedom of Informat...
1 July 2010 Dear Ms Coupland Ref: FOI 220610 Freedom of Information Request Further to your Freedom of Information request to Merseyside Waste...
Dear Ms Keaveney Freedom of Information request ref: 020309 Further to your Freedom of Information request dated 2nd March 2009. Please see attach...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?