Request for Postgraduate Program Admissions Data
Response by Loughborough University to Evisu Hu on .

Awaiting response

Dear Evisu, Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. We will investigate your request and be in touch in...
Payments to Ranking Publishers in 2022
Response by Loughborough University to Arthur Cavendish on .

Awaiting response

Dear Arthur, Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. We will investigate your request and be in touch in...
Loughborough University Racing Team Expenditure
Response by Loughborough University to Warren Menezes on .

Awaiting classification

    Name: Warren Menezes Address: By email   Ref: FOI3122 Dear Warren , I am writing in response to you Freedom of Information request. I...
Name: Gina George Address: By email Ref: FOI3133 Dear Gina, I am writing in response to you Freedom of Information request. Please find the informatio...
Name: Rachel Harrad Address: By email   Ref: FOI3128   Dear Rachel   I am writing in response to you Freedom of Information request. I am sorry...
Sport Science applicant numbers
Response by Loughborough University to Anna Howe on .

Awaiting classification

Good Afternoon Anna, I am really sorry for the delay in getting this information to you, our admissions department is currently extremely busy. We will...
Renewable energy use
Response by Loughborough University to Jamie Dixon on .

Awaiting classification

Name: Jamie Dixon Address: By email Ref: FOI3127 Dear Jamie, I am writing in response to you Freedom of Information request. Please find the informati...
Name: David Russell Address: By email Ref: FOI3104 Dear David, I am writing in response to you Freedom of Information request. We have taken the deci...
Catherine Smethurst Freedom of Information Officer Academic Registry, Rutland Building, Loughborough University, Leics., LE11 3TU Web: https://www.lbor...
Recruitment Process and Spend
Response by Loughborough University to Amy Mary on .

Partially successful

Name: Amy Mary Address: By email   Ref: FOI3118 Dear Amy, I am writing in response to you Freedom of Information request. Please find the i...
Postgraduate admission statistics
Response by Loughborough University to Eliza Johnston on .

Long overdue

Dear Eliza, Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I will investigate your request and be in touch in d...
Clearing information
Response by Loughborough University to Abdulrahman Akinade on .


Catherine Smethurst Freedom of Information Officer Academic Registry, Rutland Building, Loughborough University, Leics., LE11 3TU Web: https://www.lbor...
Dear Anna, Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I will investigate your request and be in touch in d...
Safety in student art studios
Response by Loughborough University to N Dell on .


Name: N Dell Address: By email Ref: FOI2926 Good Afternoon, I am writing in response to you Freedom of Information request. Please find the informatio...
Recruitment Agency Spend
Response by Loughborough University to Aditi Chandra on .


Name: Aditi Chandra Address: By email Ref: FOI3072 Dear Aditi, I am writing in response to you Freedom of Information request. Please find the informa...
Politics admissions and offers
Response by Loughborough University to Mrs Mawson on .

Waiting clarification

Hello   For us to process your FOI request can you please provide your full name? We cannot process your request without this information.   M...
IT systems
Response by Loughborough University to Laura Williams on .

Awaiting classification

Name: Laura Williams Address: By email Ref: FOI3065 Dear Laura , I am writing in response to you Freedom of Information request. Please find the infor...
Name: Jorno Jaynes Address: By email Ref: FOI3083 Dear Jorno, I am writing in response to you Freedom of Information request. Please find the informat...
Admission Statistics
Response by Loughborough University to Sarah Chen on .


Catherine Smethurst Freedom of Information Officer Academic Registry, Rutland Building, Loughborough University, Leics., LE11 3TU Web: https://www.lbor...
Ref: FOI3084 Dear Ma, I am writing in response to you Freedom of Information request. Please find attached the information you requested. Could you...
Name: Iman Khan Address: By email Ref: FOI3039 Case Reference: IC-292908-Q6W3 Dear Iman I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information r...
Communications and Enquiries
Response by Loughborough University to Fred Quick on .

Long overdue

Thank you for contacting Loughborough University Freedom of Information team. Your e-mail has been received and we will reply as soon as we can.
University solar energy
Response by Loughborough University to Jamie Dixon on .


Catherine Smethurst Freedom of Information Officer Academic Registry, Rutland Building, Loughborough University, Leics., LE11 3TU Web: https://www.lbor...
Catherine Smethurst Freedom of Information Officer Academic Registry, Rutland Building, Loughborough University, Leics., LE11 3TU Web: [1]https:...
Telephony and storage
Response by Loughborough University to Philip Mansfield on .


Catherine Smethurst Freedom of Information Officer Academic Registry, Rutland Building, Loughborough University, Leics., LE11 3TU Web: https://www.lbor...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?