Public authorities

Found 227 public authorities beginning with ‘V’

Parish and community councils are the lowest tier of local government in the UK and have the power to provide and maintain certain types of facilities....
0 requests.
Looking for access to your health record? ⛔️ You can't get copies of your health records using WhatDoTheyKnow – find out why. 💁 How to access your hea...
1 request.
Signpost We list this entity as a "signpost" to help you find the right authority for your request. You can't send a request to this entity from here...
0 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1100 requests.
Looking for access to your health record? ⛔️ You can't get copies of your health records using WhatDoTheyKnow – find out why. 💁 How to access your hea...
1 request.
Also called Vale of Glamorgan PSB
0 requests.
Parish and community councils are the lowest tier of local government in the UK and have the power to provide and maintain certain types of facilities....
0 requests.
Also called VoLIE BID This body may not be subject to Freedom of Information law. We list it here because it is funded via business rates. Do consider if your request might...
0 requests.
Also called Vale of Pickering IDB
5 requests.
Signpost We list this entity as a "signpost" to help you find the right authority for your request. You can't send a request to this entity from here...
0 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
510 requests.
On 1st April 2009, Chester City and Cheshire County Councils split their combined area and become two unitary authorities - Cheshire West and Chester,...
15 requests.
0 requests.
1 request.
Parish and community councils are the lowest tier of local government in the UK and have the power to provide and maintain certain types of facilities....
2 requests.
Looking for access to your health record? ⛔️ You can't get copies of your health records using WhatDoTheyKnow – find out why. 💁 How to access your hea...
0 requests.
Looking for access to your health record? ⛔️ You can't get copies of your health records using WhatDoTheyKnow – find out why. 💁 How to access your hea...
0 requests.
Looking for access to your health record? ⛔️ You can't get copies of your health records using WhatDoTheyKnow – find out why. 💁 How to access your hea...
0 requests.
Looking for access to your health record? ⛔️ You can't get copies of your health records using WhatDoTheyKnow – find out why. 💁 How to access your hea...
2 requests.
Looking for access to your health record? ⛔️ You can't get copies of your health records using WhatDoTheyKnow – find out why. 💁 How to access your hea...
0 requests.
Parish and community councils are the lowest tier of local government in the UK and have the power to provide and maintain certain types of facilities....
0 requests.
Looking for access to your health record? ⛔️ You can't get copies of your health records using WhatDoTheyKnow – find out why. 💁 How to access your hea...
1 request.
Also called VOA Do not make requests for your own personal information or seek to correspond about your own property tax affairs via WhatDoTheyKnow. The Valuation Of...
454 requests.
Also called Vanbrugh College Signpost We list this entity as a "signpost" to help you find the right authority for your request. You can't send a request to this entity from here...
FOI law does not apply to this authority.
8 requests.
Parish and community councils are the lowest tier of local government in the UK and have the power to provide and maintain certain types of facilities....
2 requests.
Van Gogh Primary (Academy) is a school based across two sites in Brixton, sponsored by the Dunraven Educational Trust
1 request.
Van Mildert College is part of Durham University, to whom requests for information held by the College should be made.
1 request.
23 requests.
Looking for access to your health record? ⛔️ You can't get copies of your health records using WhatDoTheyKnow – find out why. 💁 How to access your hea...
1 request.
This body may not be subject to Freedom of Information law. We list it here because it is funded via business rates. Do consider if your request might...
0 requests.
Whether a Housing Association in England is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 depends on whether it is wholly owned by public bodies. Acc...
6 requests.
Also called vosa This body merged with the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) to form the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency as of the 2nd of April 2014.
72 requests.
Looking for access to your health record? ⛔️ You can't get copies of your health records using WhatDoTheyKnow – find out why. 💁 How to access your hea...
277 requests.
Parish and community councils are the lowest tier of local government in the UK and have the power to provide and maintain certain types of facilities....
3 requests.
Also called Veolia Water Three Valleys As of 1 October 2012 this company merged with Affinity Water. From July 1 2009 Three Valleys Water changed its name to Veolia Water Central Ltd. whic...
5 requests.
Also called Veolia Water East As of 1 October 2012 this company was succeeded by Affinity Water. From July 1 2009 Tendring Hundred Water Services changed its name to Veolia Water E...
3 requests.
Veolia Water Projects provides water and sewerage services to domestic and commercial customers in the Tidworth and Perham Down area in Wiltshire and f...
5 requests.
We list this body as it holds a water supply and sewerage licence. We think this may bring it within the scope of the Environmental Information Regulat...
5 requests.
Also called Veolia Water Southeast As of 1 October 2012 this body was succeeded by Affinity Water From July 1 2009, Folkestone & Dover Water Services changed its name to Veolia Water...
4 requests.
The ICO has determined that the Verderers of the Forest of Dean are subject to the Environmental Information Regulations
1 request.
The Verderers of the New Forest are subject to the Freedom of Information Act 200, except for the information it holds in its capacity as a tribunal.[1...
6 requests.
Also called Veritau Veritau is jointly owned by York City and North Yorkshire County Councils.
14 requests.
Looking for access to your health record? ⛔️ You can't get copies of your health records using WhatDoTheyKnow – find out why. 💁 How to access your hea...
0 requests.
Parish and community councils are the lowest tier of local government in the UK and have the power to provide and maintain certain types of facilities....
0 requests.
Looking for access to your health record? ⛔️ You can't get copies of your health records using WhatDoTheyKnow – find out why. 💁 How to access your hea...
3 requests.

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Beginning with

Government Departments

Government - other

Local and regional


Emergency services

Energy and utilities

Environment and conservation


Health and social care


Law-making bodies, the courts and the legal system

Media and culture

Military and security services

Prisons, probation and holding facilities


Regulators and ombudsmen

Transport and infrastructure

Royal and ceremonial

Organisations whose members are public authorities


By legal form/status



Defunct authorities