Public authorities

Found 68 public authorities in the category ‘University owned companies’

Also called 3M BIC
1 request.
Aberdeen Sports Village is jointly owned by Aberdeen City Council and the University of Aberdeen.
8 requests.
Also known as Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges.
14 requests.
Also called Cambridge Enterprise
14 requests.
Also called Cambridge University Technical Services
4 requests.
Also called CAST Limited
2 requests.
A wholly owned subsidiary of the University of Durham.
3 requests.
EICC is a conference venue located at the Heriot-Watt campus in Riccarton, Edinburgh. It is a trading company owned by Heriot-Watt University. This bo...
2 requests.
Known as Edinburgh Research and Innovation Limited from 22 Aug 2002 - 03 Aug 2017.
6 requests.
Also called EUP
5 requests.
Falmouth Exeter Plus manages and/or delivers all shared services at the Penryn Campus on behalf of Falmouth and UoE, and some services at the Falmouth...
7 requests.
Flowave TT Limited was dissolved at Companies House on 28th August 2018.[1]
1 request.
GCU Academy Limited is owned by Glasgow Caledonian University.
1 request.
GCU INTO Limited is owned by Glasgow Caledonian University.
1 request.
Also called GGfL
2 requests.
The wholly owned consultancy company of Imperial College London. Also known as Imperial Consultants and Imperial College London Consultants.
3 requests.
Also called Taith Learning Exchange Programme
1 request.
Also called Isis Innovation A wholly owned subsidiary of the University of Oxford.
4 requests.
Also called Mountjoy A wholly owned subsidiary of the University of Durham.
2 requests.
Also called The Management Centre
1 request.
The Office of Intercollegiate Services is jointly owned by the Colleges of the University of Cambridge and those of the Cambridge Theological Federatio...
3 requests.
Also called OCR OCR is a company limited by guarantee, an exempt charity and an examination board. It is responsible in the UK for GCSE, AS and A levels, GNVQ’s, NVQ’s...
161 requests.
A wholly owned subsidiary of the University of Oxford.
4 requests.
A wholly owned subsidiary of the University of Oxford.
4 requests.
Also called OUFAL A wholly owned subsidiary of the University of Oxford.
11 requests.
This is a company controlled by the University of Cambridge.
1 request.
3 requests.
Also called The Challenge Fund Trading Company The Challenge Fund Trading Company Ltd. trades as "Cambridge Enterprise Seed Funds" and is associated with Cambridge University.
2 requests.
A wholly owned subsidiary of the University of Oxford.
3 requests.
Also called UMIC Previously known as 'The Manchester Incubator Company Limited'. The company was dissolved on 6th July 2021
6 requests.
Also called UCLB
1 request.
UCL Consultants is wholly owned by UCL (University College London|).
5 requests.
Univation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Robert Gordon University.
3 requests.
Also called UAT-UK
5 requests.
Universitybus Limited also called Uno and is owned by the University of Hertfordshire.
0 requests.
Also called Uno Bus Northamptonshire
0 requests.
A wholly owned subsidiary of the University of Oxford.
3 requests.
Also called Warwick Conferences
2 requests.
Warwick University Services Limited is a company wholly owned by the University of Warwick which provides the website.
12 requests.

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Government Departments

Government - other

Local and regional


Emergency services

Energy and utilities

Environment and conservation


Health and social care


Law-making bodies, the courts and the legal system

Media and culture

Military and security services

Prisons, probation and holding facilities


Regulators and ombudsmen

Transport and infrastructure

Royal and ceremonial

Organisations whose members are public authorities


By legal form/status



Defunct authorities