Public authorities

Found 70 public authorities in the category ‘Local councils (South East)’

This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
685 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
1140 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
855 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
685 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1351 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
5507 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1008 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
893 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
729 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
595 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
753 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
723 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
643 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
654 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
626 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
644 requests.
Also called ESCC The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1888 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
714 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
601 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
702 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
828 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
533 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
614 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
689 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1989 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
567 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
999 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
569 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
569 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1431 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
3038 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
534 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
988 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1769 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
700 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1701 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
483 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
534 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
1468 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2091 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1816 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1620 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
565 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
530 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
561 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
482 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
592 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1507 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1604 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
576 requests.
Requests sent via WhatDoTheyKnow are valid. There is no need to re-send them via a public body's web-form. We at WhatDoTheyKnow are concerned about re...
607 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2266 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
517 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
771 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
586 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
552 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
1111 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
630 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
625 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
500 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
539 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
535 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1333 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
504 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2904 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
609 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
678 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1232 requests.
This council has the functions of a district level council. Councils of this type are usually the primary planning authority and council tax billing au...
598 requests.

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Government Departments

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Organisations whose members are public authorities


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