Public authorities

Found 31 public authorities in the category ‘Ombudsmen’

This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily serves Northern Ireland.
11 requests.
Also called AoC AoC is a not for profit companies created by Colleges to represent and promote the interests of colleges. It members include General and Tertiary Furt...
13 requests.
Also called Financial Ombudsman Service The Financial Ombudsman Service Limited became subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 on 1 November 2011 in respect of the administration of th...
824 requests.
Also called Housing Ombudsman The Housing Ombudsman Service was made subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in 2018.
91 requests.
The Independent Case Examiner's Office was set up in 1997 to provide a free complaints review service to people wanting to complain about the Child Sup...
145 requests.
Also called JACO
53 requests.
Also called JCIO The Judicial Conduct Investigation Office is part of the ministry of Justice. It was formerly known as the Office for Judicial Complaints.
215 requests.
98 requests.
This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily serves Northern Ireland.
2 requests.
Also called NIJAO This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily serves Northern Ireland.
5 requests.
This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily serves Northern Ireland.
29 requests.
Also called OLC The Office of Legal Complaints is responsible for running the Legal Ombudsman service.
69 requests.
The Office of the Adjudicator for Higher Education is not listed in the Freedom of Information Act and it appears that the authority is not subject to...
11 requests.
Also called OLSO The Legal Services Ombudsman was abolished on 31st December 2011. It was replaced by the Office for Legal Complaints.
10 requests.
This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily serves Northern Ireland.
1 request.
Also called PHSO The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman provides an independent complaint handling service for complaints that have not been resolved by the NHS...
1367 requests.
52 requests.
This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily serves Northern Ireland.
61 requests.
Also called NI Prisoner Ombudsman This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily serves Northern Ireland.
3 requests.
3 requests.
Also called SPSO From July 2020 the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman also holds the role of the Independent National Whistleblowing Officer (INWO). You should not us...
69 requests.
Also called SCOAF The Ombudsman provides independent and impartial oversight of the Service complaints system for members of the UK Armed Forces
9 requests.
The Adjudicator's Office considers complaints about HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and the Valuation Office Agency once internal complaints procedures...
48 requests.
Also called LGSCO Commission for Local Administration in England (CLAE) is the official title of the Local Government Ombudsman and Social Care service, previously known...
731 requests.
Also called Ombudsman Services Ombudsman Services is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Ombudsman Services provides independent dispute resolution for the communica...
23 requests.
Also called Property Ombudsman The Property Ombudsman is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Previously called the Ombudsman for Estate Agents (OEA). All estate age...
24 requests.
It appears that the Waterways Ombudsman is not subject to FOI.
2 requests.

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