Public authorities
Found 36 public authorities in the category ‘Metropolitan district councils’
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Beginning with
Government Departments
- Ministerial Departments - UK
- Non-ministerial Departments - UK
- Devolved Administration or Government
- Departments - NI
- Ministerial Departments - Scotland
- Non-ministerial Departments - Scotland
- Ministerial Departments - Wales
- Non-ministerial Departments - Wales
Government - other
- Advisory bodies
- Executive agencies
- Inspectorates
- Public corporations
- Other central government bodies
- Executive non-departmental public bodies
- Executive non-departmental public bodies in Scotland
Local and regional
- Local councils (Northern Ireland)
- Local councils (Scotland)
- Local councils (Wales)
- Local councils (East of England)
- Local councils (East Midlands)
- Local councils (London)
- Local councils (North East)
- Local councils (North West)
- Local councils (South East)
- Local councils (South West)
- Local councils (West Midlands)
- Local councils (Yorkshire and the Humber)
- District councils (Northern Ireland)
- London boroughs
- Metropolitan district councils
- Non-metropolitan district councils
- Unitary authorities (England)
- Unitary authorities (Scotland)
- Unitary authorities (Wales)
- Upper tier local authorities
- Lower tier local authorities
- Principal councils
- County councils
- Town and Parish councils
- Parish Meetings
- Combined authorities
- Assessors for Valuation joint boards (Scotland)
- Economic development agencies (Scotland)
- Licensing boards (Scotland)
- Valuation joint boards (Scotland)
- Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Conservation Boards
- Bodies funded by local government
- Companies owned by local government
- Corporate Joint Committees
- Charter trustees
- Business Improvement District
- Education authority
- Greater London Authority Group and Family
- Highways Operators
- Housing ALMOs
- Integration Joint Boards
- Joint advisory committees
- Joint committees
- Local Enterprise Partnerships
- Local Family Justice Boards
- Local Resilience Forums
- Local safeguarding adults boards
- Local safeguarding children boards
- Local Safeguarding Children Partnership
- Mayoral development corporation
- Neighbourhood Planning Forum
- Public services boards
- Urban Development Company
- Other local government bodies
- Councils with district-level functions in England
- Councils with district-level functions
- Operators of Estate Management Schemes
- Local Government Pension Scheme Investment Pools
- Local Government Pension Scheme Fund Administrator
- Associations of Local Councils
- Universities
- University colleges
- University Technical Colleges
- Bodies that can award degrees
- Business schools
- Higher education institutions
- Further education institutions
- Military colleges
- Cambridge colleges
- Durham colleges
- Kent colleges
- Oxford colleges
- University owned companies
- Groups of universities
- Academies
- Academy Trusts
- All-through schools
- Middle schools
- Free schools
- Selective schools
- State boarding schools
- Welsh Establishments
- Education authority
- Education regulators
- Exam boards
- Regional Broadband Consortia
- Regional Schools Commissioners
- Research councils
- Welsh Education Consortia
- School inspectorates
- Schools
- Students' unions
Emergency services
- Ambulance Services
- Fire and rescue authorities
- Fire and rescue services
- Fire trading companies
- Main police forces
- Port police forces
- Other police forces/constabularies
- National organisations hosted by individual police forces
- Police and Crime Commissioners
- Police and Crime Panels
- Policing bodies
- Community Safety Partnerships
- Policing and community safety partnerships
- Police regulators
Energy and utilities
- Electricity distribution network operators
- Gas distribution networks
- Non-domestic water and sewerage service providers
- Regional water supplier
- Sewerage undertakers
- Telecommunications companies
- Utility regulators
- Water companies
Environment and conservation
- Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Conservation Boards
- District Salmon Fisheries Boards (Scotland)
- Inshore fisheries and conservation authorities (England and Wales)
- Internal drainage boards
- Marine conservation zones
- National park and conservation authorities
- Regional park authorities
- Waste disposal authorities
- Zoos
- Auditors
- Banks
- Compensation schemes
- Financial regulators
- Local Government Pension Scheme Fund Administrator
- Money laundering supervisory authorities
- Pay review bodies
- Pension partnerships
- Public sector pension schemes
- Public sector pension scheme trustees
- Tax authorities
- Veterans Advisory and Pensions Committees
Health and social care
- NHS in Northern Ireland
- NHS Scotland
- NHS in Wales
- NHS 111 Provider
- NHS Urgent Care (Out of Hours GP Services) Providers
- Accountable Care Organisations
- Bodies Responsible for Major A&E Departments
- Community Services Trusts
- Health and Social Care Partnerships (Scotland)
- Healthwatch organisations
- Health Informatic Services
- Health and social care regulators
- Hospital trusts
- Integrated Care Boards
- Integrated Care Systems
- Integration Joint Boards
- Local Education and Training Boards Group
- Local Medical Committees
- Local Optical Committees
- Mental Health Trusts
- NHS Ambulance Service Providers
- NHS bodies
- NHS dentists
- NHS trusts
- NHS Wales Local Health Boards
- NHS Primary Care Providers
- Primary Care Networks
- Special health authorities
- Academic Health Science Networks
- Ambulance Services
- Bodies owned by NHS organisations
- Cancer alliances
- Opticians
- Pharmacies
- Port health authorities
- Public health observatories
- Royal Colleges
- Housing ALMOs
- Housing regulators
- Registered Social Landlords (England)
- Registered Social Landlords (NI)
- Registered Social Landlords (Scotland)
- Registered Social Landlords (Wales)
- Tenant Management Organisations
Law-making bodies, the courts and the legal system
- UK Parliament
- National Parliaments and Assemblies
- Courts
- Tribunals
- Tribunal services
- Coroners' offices
- Advisory Committees on Justices of the Peace
- Approved regulators of legal services
- Bodies that support the work of parliaments
- Inns of court
- Judicial institutions
- Rules committees
- Verderers
Media and culture
- Archives
- Arts bodies
- Dance companies
- Galleries
- Libraries
- Media organisations
- Media regulators
- Museums
- Theatres
Military and security services
- Armed Forces
- Military colleges
- Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Associations
- Security services
- Veterans Advisory and Pensions Committees
- Other defence organisations
Prisons, probation and holding facilities
- Community justice authorities
- Community rehabilitation companies
- Contractors running Scottish private prisons
- Independent monitoring boards for immigration removal centres
- Independent monitoring boards for prisons
- Independent monitoring boards for short-term holding facilities
- Independent monitoring boards for young offenders institutions
- Independent monitoring boards with specialised functions
- Parole boards
- Probation boards
Regulators and ombudsmen
- Advertising regulators
- Approved regulators of legal services
- Charity regulators
- Education regulators
- Environmental regulators
- Financial regulators
- Health and social care regulators
- Housing regulators
- Information regulators
- Media regulators
- Money laundering supervisory authorities
- Ombudsmen
- Police regulators
- Professional bodies
- Transport regulators
- Utility regulators
- Regulators
Transport and infrastructure
- Airport operators
- Bus operators
- Companies controlling national infrastructure
- General Lighthouse Authorities
- Highways Operators
- Local Lighthouse Authorities
- Navigation authorities
- Operators of Last Resort
- Operator of Last Resort Holding Companies
- Passenger transport executives
- Port authorities
- Railway companies
- Safer Roads Partnership
- Sub-national transport bodies
- Telecommunications companies
- Toll companies
- Tramway operators
- Transport regulators
- Trunk road agencies (Wales)
Royal and ceremonial
Organisations whose members are public authorities
- Associations of Local Councils
- Community Safety Partnerships
- Groups of universities
- Health and Social Care Partnerships (Scotland)
- Integration Joint Boards
- Policing and community safety partnerships
- Professional buying organisations
- Welsh Regional Partnership Boards
- Other associations of public authorities
- Advocates
- Appeals panel
- Boundary commissions
- Churches and church bodies
- Conference centres
- Inquiries
- North/south bodies
- Publicly funded charities
- Miscellaneous
- Voluntarily applying FOI
By legal form/status
- Bodies with a royal charter
- Charitable incorporated organisations
- Charities
- Community benefit societies
- Community interest companies
- Companies limited by guarantee
- Corporations sole
- Crown Bodies
- Limited companies
- Limited liability partnerships
- Partnerships
- Public limited companies
- Registered societies
- Royal commissions
- Statutory corporations
- Unlimited companies
- Unincorporated associations
- Units