Public authorities

Found 70 public authorities in the category ‘Local Lighthouse Authorities’

The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1358 requests.
Also called AFBI The Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute (AFBI) was created on 1st April 2006 by joining the Science Service of the then Department of Agriculture and...
50 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
956 requests.
Prior to 1 April 2015 this body was called Ards and North Down District Council and also known as North Down and Ards District Council. In Northern Ire...
390 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
976 requests.
Associated British Ports is the Statutory Harbour Authority for a number of ports and harbours located around the UK. Each port or harbour has its own...
2 requests.
Unfortunately, we don't have a working email address for this authority. If you would like to help us out, just do a little bit of research to find th...
0 requests.
Listed on the basis of its role as a lighthouse authority at Port Babcock Rosyth. Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a sta...
1 request.
Most Port Authorities are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 but are subject to the Environmental Information Regulations. Local lighth...
14 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
Also called CMAL "Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited owns ferries, ports and harbours and infrastructure necessary for vital ferry services serving the west coast of Sc...
22 requests.
In Northern Ireland local councils do not have responsibility for social services, public housing, transport, education or a number of other functions...
348 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
702 requests.
Defence Estates (DE) managed the military estate, including accommodation for Service personnel and their families, on behalf of the Ministry of Defenc...
19 requests.
Also called Infrastructure-NI Prior to 9 May 2016 the department was called the Department for Regional Development (Northern Ireland) DfI Rivers is part of the Department for Infra...
330 requests.
Also called DAERA Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
176 requests.
Prince William, the Duke of Cornwall as a Harbour Authority is subject to the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR). Legal ruling The Upper T...
2 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1204 requests.
Most Port Authorities are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 but are subject to the Environmental Information Regulations. Local lighth...
0 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
897 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
The Environment Agency is an Executive Non-departmental Public Body. Its principal aims are to protect and improve the environment, and to promote sus...
2465 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1624 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
Most Port Authorities are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 but are subject to the Environmental Information Regulations. Local lighth...
0 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1182 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
1 request.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
4 requests.
Unfortunately, we don't have a working email address for this authority. If you would like to help us out, just do a little bit of research to find th...
0 requests.
Unfortunately, we don't have a working email address for this authority. If you would like to help us out, just do a little bit of research to find th...
0 requests.
Most Port Authorities are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 but are subject to the Environmental Information Regulations. Local lighth...
0 requests.
The Met Office is the UK's national weather service. It provides weather and climate-related services to the Armed Forces, Government Departments, the...
283 requests.
In Northern Ireland local councils do not have responsibility for social services, public housing, transport, education or a number of other functions...
319 requests.
In Northern Ireland local councils do not have responsibility for social services, public housing, transport, education or a number of other functions...
300 requests.
Most Port Authorities are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act but are subject to the Environmental Information Regulations. Local lighthouse...
2 requests.
Also called nattrustscot Owners of Fair Isle airport Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body wit...
4 requests.
In Northern Ireland, local councils do not have responsibility for social services, public housing, transport, education or a number of other functions...
352 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
950 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
4 requests.
Also called NI Water Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
59 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
787 requests.
Listed on the basis of its role as a lighthouse authority. The following companies are members of the group*: • Peel Ports Investments Limited • Peel...
1 request.
Listed on the basis of its role as a lighthouse authority. Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a...
0 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
947 requests.
Most Port Authorities are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 but are subject to the Environmental Information Regulations. Local lighth...
0 requests.
Listed on the basis of its role as a lighthouse authority. Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a...
0 requests.
Most port authorities are not subject to the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 but are subject to the Environmental Information Regulations....
9 requests.
Unfortunately, we don't have a working email address for this authority. If you would like to help us out, just do a little bit of research to find th...
0 requests.
Most Port Authorities are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 but are subject to the Environmental Information Regulations. Local lighth...
2 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
766 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
838 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
Most Port Authorities are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 but are subject to the Environmental Information Regulations. Local lighth...
0 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
Most Port Authorities are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 but are subject to the Environmental Information Regulations. Local lighth...
0 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
6 requests.
Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
0 requests.
Most Port Authorities are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 but are subject to the Environmental Information Regulations. Local lighth...
0 requests.

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Government Departments

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Prisons, probation and holding facilities


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Organisations whose members are public authorities


By legal form/status



Defunct authorities