Public authorities

Found 8 public authorities in the category ‘Local Government Pension Scheme Investment Pools’

ACCESS (A Collaboration of Central, Eastern and Southern Shires) is a collaborative partnership between 11 Local Government Pension Scheme administerin...
4 requests.
Also called BorderToCoast The Border to Coast Pensions Partnership has 11 Local Government Pension Scheme funds – Bedfordshire, Cumbria, Durham, East Riding, Lincolnshire, North...
5 requests.
Also called BrunelPP Brunel Pension Partnership Limited (Brunel) is one of eight national Local Government Pension Scheme Pools, bringing together more than £30 billion of...
5 requests.
LGPS Central Limited manages the pooled assets of eight Midlands-based local government pension schemes. The company is subject to the Freedom of Infor...
7 requests.
Company wholly owned by the London Pensions Fund Authority and the Lancashire County Pension Fund. This company has subsidiaries including Local Pensi...
3 requests.
Also called London CIV Pension schemes which are part of the Local Government Pension Scheme pool their assets via a number of "investment pools". This body operates one such...
8 requests.
Members: Greater Manchester Pension Fund (administered by Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council), Merseyside Pension Fund (administered by Wirral Metro...
2 requests.
Also called WPP The Wales Pension Partnership (WPP) was established in 2017. The WPP is a collaboration of the eight Local Government Pension Scheme funds covering the...
4 requests.

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