Public authorities

Found 100 public authorities in the category ‘Local Government Pension Scheme Fund Administrator’

The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1694 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2621 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1895 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1436 requests.
Requests sent via WhatDoTheyKnow are valid. There is no need to re-send them via a public body's web-form. We at WhatDoTheyKnow are concerned about re...
2135 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2386 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2744 requests.
On 1st April 2020, this Council was replaced by a new unitary authority, Buckinghamshire Council. This body runs a Local Government Pension Scheme Fun...
1074 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2051 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
3271 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2174 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1389 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2297 requests.
Also called Edinburgh City Council The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2810 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2055 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
3342 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1396 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2270 requests.
On 1st April 2019, Dorset Council was formed following a merger of East Dorset, North Dorset, Purbeck, West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland District Co...
842 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1203 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1053 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2118 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2327 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1675 requests.
Also called ESCC The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1888 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2493 requests.
The Environment Agency is an Executive Non-departmental Public Body. Its principal aims are to protect and improve the environment, and to promote sus...
2463 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2531 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1034 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1623 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1228 requests.
Also called GCC The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2088 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1735 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2535 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1217 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2747 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2228 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1990 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
3144 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2121 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2033 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1181 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2131 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2160 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1431 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2821 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
3038 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2043 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
4052 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2283 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1588 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2724 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1835 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2351 requests.
Also called Havering Borough Council The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1923 requests.
Also called LPFA This body runs a Local Government Pension Scheme Fund.
19 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2113 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1463 requests.
Also called Newham Council The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
3093 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1864 requests.
This body became defunct on 1 April 2021 due to the reorganisation of Local Government organisations in the Northamptonshire area [1]. Two new success...
1201 requests.
Also called NILGOSC This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily serves Northern Ireland. This body runs a Local Government Pension Scheme Fund.
23 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2083 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1909 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1710 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
786 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2091 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1435 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2434 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1180 requests.
Also called RBKC The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2241 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
886 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
766 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1744 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1536 requests.
Also called South Tyneside Council The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1507 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
3295 requests.
South Yorkshire Pensions Authority's Freedom of Information web-page offers links to information which it is already publishing, that might help you fi...
27 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1795 requests.
This body runs a Local Government Pension Scheme Fund.
1629 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2267 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1833 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1440 requests.
Also called Tameside Council The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1854 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
981 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
3462 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2265 requests.
Also called Wandsworth Council The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2469 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1618 requests.
Also called WMITA This body became defunct in June 2016 [1]. Its responsibilities have passed to Transport for West Midlands (TfWM). This body runs a Local Government P...
2 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
3200 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
2904 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1810 requests.
Also called Wirral Borough Council The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
4261 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1799 requests.
The UK has multiple tiers of local government and not all local authorities have responsibility for education. This public authority is one of around 2...
1619 requests.

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Government Departments

Government - other

Local and regional


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Energy and utilities

Environment and conservation


Health and social care


Law-making bodies, the courts and the legal system

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Military and security services

Prisons, probation and holding facilities


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Transport and infrastructure

Royal and ceremonial

Organisations whose members are public authorities


By legal form/status



Defunct authorities