Public authorities

Found 70 public authorities in the category ‘Executive non-departmental public bodies’

Also called ARIA The Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA) is a public body tasked with funding, and carrying out, high-risk research that offers the chance of...
9 requests.
Also called ACAS When the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 came into force ACAS became fully covered by the FOI Act. ACAS have asked us to point those with e...
82 requests.
Also called AHDB The AHDB includes • the Horticultural Development Company (HDC) (now defunct) • EBLEX • DairyCo (now defunct) • BPEX • the Potato Council (now defunct...
40 requests.
Also called A&DS
15 requests.
255 requests.
AWE supports the UK Government’s nuclear defence strategy and the Continuous At Sea Deterrent. The company also supports the UK’s counter-terrorism and...
31 requests.
This is a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Digital, Media, Culture and Sport.
37 requests.
148 requests.
Also called VisitBritain
52 requests.
Also called Capacitybuilders Capacitybuilders was dissolved on 22nd November 2011.
1 request.
The Commission was not listed in Schedule 1 of the FOI Act 2000 as a public authority, and was therefore not subject to the provisions of that Act. The...
8 requests.
Also called CSC
14 requests.
The body that fund and provides support services to the Competition Appeal Tribunal.
18 requests.
Also called ccrc
97 requests.
Also called CICAP The Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel has now closed and has been replaced by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal.
10 requests.
This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily serves Northern Ireland.
10 requests.
Also called East West Rail The East West Railway Company is a non-departmental public arm’s length body set up by the government to accelerate the East West Rail project – a new...
120 requests.
The Education Act (Northern Ireland) 2014, which was passed in December 2014, replaced the five existing Education and Library Boards (ELBs) and their...
146 requests.
289 requests.
On 1st October 2016, the Gangmasters Licensing Authority became the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority
40 requests.
Also called GBCC
25 requests.
Also called HEE Looking for access to your health record? ⛔️ You can't get copies of your health records using WhatDoTheyKnow – find out why. 💁 How to access your hea...
205 requests.
Also called HSSIB The body's role is to investigate incidents that occur in England during the provision of health care services, and have or may have implications for t...
10 requests.
Also called HEFCW
30 requests.
Also called Historic England Historic England is the Government's statutory adviser on the historic environment. Officially known as the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission...
263 requests.
Historic Environments Scotland replaced Historic Scotland and the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland on the 1st Octob...
66 requests.
This body became known as Homes England on 11 January 2018, it was previously part of the Homes and Communities Agency. (The regulatory arm of the agen...
439 requests.
Also called HBLB
22 requests.
Also called HDC HDC is now part of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board.
1 request.
Also called IMA The Independent Monitoring Authority for the Citizens’ Rights Agreements (IMA) works to protect the rights of EU and EEA EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein a...
9 requests.
Also called IfATE Previously known as the Institute for Apprenticeships.
36 requests.
Also called Invest NI Invest Northern Ireland (Invest NI) is Northern Ireland's regional economic development agency. It is a non-departmental public body (NDPB) of the Depa...
103 requests.
This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily serves Northern Ireland.
12 requests.
Also called MMO
100 requests.
Also called MaPS The Money and Pensions Service was set up as an independent body with responsibility for improving people’s money management in May 2018. Known in leg...
27 requests.
Previously known as English Nature
944 requests.
This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily serves Northern Ireland.
25 requests.
Also called NDA
128 requests.
Also called Oak National Academy Oak National Academy is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Education.
21 requests.
Also called OFFA This body cased to exist as of April 2018, it has been replaced by the Office for Students.
6 requests.
Also called ONR
60 requests.
Also called ODA The Olympic Delivery Authority closed in December 2014
93 requests.
This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily serves Northern Ireland.
19 requests.
Also called Transport Focus Transport Focus is the watchdog for transport users. It works with London Travelwatch. Transport Focus is the operating name of the Passengers’ Counc...
52 requests.
The Police (Discipline) Appeals Tribunal hears appeals against the findings of internal disciplinary proceedings brought against members of the police...
23 requests.
18 requests.
Reclaim Fund Ltd makes it possible for money in dormant bank and building society accounts to be used to help good causes. As of 30 March 2021 this...
10 requests.
Also called RMA
10 requests.
Salix Finance Ltd is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. Salix Finan...
16 requests.
Formed with the passing of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016 and incorporates the work of the Tenant Farming Commissioner
15 requests.
Also called Seafish Seafish styles itself "the authority on seafood", the authority's mission is to support a profitable, sustainable and socially responsible future for...
29 requests.
Also called SSRO SSRO is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Ministry of Defence. It is the independent statutory regulator of single source def...
22 requests.
169 requests.
118 requests.
Known as the Big Lottery Fund until January 2019.
179 requests.
Known as the Heritage Lottery Fund until January 2019.
148 requests.
Trade Remedies Authority is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for International Trade.
7 requests.
39 requests.
Also called UKRI UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is the national funding agency investing in science and research in the UK. It operates across the whole of the UK. T...
119 requests.
Also called UK Sport
99 requests.
Also called EnjoyEngland VisitEngland sometimes operates under the name EnjoyEngland. Requests relating to Quality in Tourism can also be made to VisitEngland.
31 requests.
Formerly the Scottish Tourist Board
31 requests.

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Government Departments

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Organisations whose members are public authorities


By legal form/status



Defunct authorities