Public authorities

Found 70 public authorities matching the tag ‘department’

Also called AGO The Attorney General’s Office (AGO) provides legal advice and support to the Attorney General and the Solicitor General (the Law Officers) who give leg...
551 requests.
The Cabinet Office supports the Prime Minister and ensures the effective running of government. They are also the corporate headquarters for government...
3999 requests.
Also called Cadw
71 requests.
15 requests.
Also called DBT The 7 February 2023 announcement of the creation of the department stated: "A combined Department for Business and Trade will support growth by backing...
327 requests.
Also called BEIS On 7 February 2023 the Government announced a restructuring of Government departments. BEIS was split to form the Department for Business and Trade...
1088 requests.
Also called BERR On the 5th of June 2009 the Government created a new Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. The Department was created by merging BERR and DIU...
82 requests.
Also called BIS As of July 2016 department's responsibilities have been taken on by Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. On the 5th of June 2009 t...
688 requests.
Also called DCSF On the 12 May 2010 the Government created a new Department for Education. FOI requests to the successor department can be made via: http://www.whatdot...
288 requests.
Also called DfC This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily serves Northern Ireland.
288 requests.
Also called DCAL As of the 9th of May 2016 the Department for Culture, Arts and Leisure (Northern Ireland) was dissolved with its responsibilities largely taken on by t...
53 requests.
Also called DCMS Between 3 July 2017 and 7 February 2023 this department was known as the 'Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport'[1,2] The Government Art Col...
1277 requests.
Also called DfE The Department for Education was formed on 12 May 2010 and is responsible for education and children's services. It replaces the Department for Childr...
6817 requests.
Also called DELNI As of the 9th of May 2016 the Department for Employment and Learning (Northern Ireland) was dissolved. Many of its responsibilities have been taken on...
54 requests.
Also called DESNZ The 7 February 2023 announcement of the creation of the department stated: "A new Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, has been tasked with sec...
220 requests.
Also called Defra
2093 requests.
Also called DEEU The Department for Exiting the European Union closed on 31 January 2020. *. The Government department responsible for overseeing negotiations to leave...
241 requests.
Also called Infrastructure-NI Prior to 9 May 2016 the department was called the Department for Regional Development (Northern Ireland) DfI Rivers is part of the Department for Infra...
332 requests.
Also called DIUS On the 5th of June 2009 the Government created a new Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. The Department was created by merging BERR and DIU...
35 requests.
Also called DFID This body closed in September 2020[1,2]. To make a new request, you should visit its successor - the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, wh...
402 requests.
Also called DIT The overall responsibility for promoting British trade across the world. The Department for International Trade was created in July 2016, its role is t...
474 requests.
Also called DSIT The 7 February 2023 announcement of the creation of the department stated: "A dedicated Department for Science, Innovation and Technology will drive th...
126 requests.
As of the 9th of May 2016 the Department for Social Development (Northern Ireland) was dissolved with its responsibilities largely taken on by the Depa...
264 requests.
This department has a very broad range of responsibilities including economic research, statistics and policy, employment and skills matters, policy an...
147 requests.
Also called DfT The Department for Transport (Welsh: Adran am Drafnidiaeth) is the government department responsible for the English transport network and a limited nu...
3676 requests.
Also called DWP The DWP is responsible for welfare and pension policy, and is one of the largest departments within the UK Government.[1] Requests to the Pensions Ser...
14387 requests.
Also called DAERA Local lighthouse authority A local lighthouse authority is a statutory harbour authority, a local council or other body with responsibility for maintai...
179 requests.
Also called DENI Note the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) is part of the Department of Education.* This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily s...
193 requests.
Also called DECC As of July 2016 department's responsibilities have been taken on by Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The Department brings toge...
421 requests.
Also called DETI As of the 9th of May 2016 the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (Northern Ireland) was replaced by the Department for the Economy (Norther...
29 requests.
Also called DoF (NI) Known as Department of Finance and Personnel (Northern Ireland) until 9th May 2016. NICS HR, the centralised human resources function for the Northern...
490 requests.
Also called DHSC Known as the Department of Health (DH) until January 2018. The department is responsible for health and social care in England.[1] The Department prov...
5363 requests.
Looking for access to your health record? ⛔️ You can't get copies of your health records using WhatDoTheyKnow – find out why. 💁 How to access your hea...
572 requests.
Also called DOJNI The criminal records checking organisation AccessNI is a branch of the Department of Justice (Northern Ireland), request to AccessNI can be made here....
221 requests.
This body ceased to exist on the 9th of May 2016 following a restructuring of Northern Ireland government departments, its responsibilities have been t...
76 requests.
TransportNI is a business unit within the Department for Regional Development, playing a significant role in facilitating the safe and convenient movem...
131 requests.
Also called Executive Office Previously the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister (Northern Ireland) This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily serv...
226 requests.
Also called UK Export Finance Export Credits Guarantee Department, the United Kingdom’s export credit agency, uses "UK Export Finance" as an "operating name". (See their "About Us"...
120 requests.
On 1st April 2009, Fisheries Research Services was merged into the Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency.
3 requests.
Also called FCO This body closed in September 2020[1,2]. To make a new request, you should visit its successor - the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, wh...
1615 requests.
Also called FCDO The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office was created on 1 September 2020[1] as a merger between the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and...
957 requests.
The Government Equalities Office leads work on policy relating to women, sexual orientation and transgender equality. The Government Equalities Office...
240 requests.
On 1st October 2015 Historic Scotland and Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland were dissolved and their functions and p...
33 requests.
HMIE was merged with Learning and Teaching Scotland to create Education Scotland
15 requests.
HM Treasury is the UK government department responsible for public finance policy and economic policy.[1] The Chancellor of the Exchequer has overall r...
2669 requests.
Looking for information about your immigration case? You cannot use this website to obtain immigration advice or ask questions about your own case. Yo...
11498 requests.
Marine Scotland is a Directorate of the Scottish Government and is responsible for the integrated management of Scotland's seas. We list Marine Scotlan...
64 requests.
Also called MOD The Ministry of Defence (MOD) is the UK government department responsible for implementation of government defence policy and for the British Armed For...
8903 requests.
Also called MoJ The Ministry of Justice is one of the largest government departments, employing over 70,000 people. Under the Freedom of Information Act, you have the...
7931 requests.
Also called NIO This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily serves Northern Ireland.
242 requests.
The Lord Privy Seal is also part of this Department.
86 requests.
Also called Number 10 10 Downing Street is the official residence and the office of the British Prime Minister. The office helps the Prime Minister to establish and deliver...
2440 requests.
Also called PCO See also:• Privy Council
130 requests.
Also called PPSNI This authority is based in Northern Ireland, or primarily serves Northern Ireland.
78 requests.
Also called PSFA The Public Sector Fraud Authority is a partnership the Cabinet Office and HM Treasury, which replaces the previous Centre of the Counter Fraud Function...
14 requests.
SASA is a Division of the Scottish Government's Agriculture and Rural Delivery Directorate and its primary role is to provide scientific services and a...
21 requests.
The Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland is the UK Government’s Office for Scotland. Have you got the right organisation? This body isn't The...
166 requests.
The Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency (SCDEA) is a statutory body, maintained by the Scottish Police Services Authority (SPSA). The FOISA 200...
10 requests.
On 1 April 2009, the Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency and Fisheries Research Services were merged with the Scottish Government Marine Directorate t...
9 requests.
Also called OZEV Part of Department for Transport and Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy The Office for Zero Emission Vehicles indicates on its...
30 requests.
On 1 April 2015 the Treasury Solicitor's Department became the Government Legal Department.
67 requests.
Also know as the "Office of the Secretary of State for Wales" and the "Welsh Office".
150 requests.

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Beginning with

Government Departments

Government - other

Local and regional


Emergency services

Energy and utilities

Environment and conservation


Health and social care


Law-making bodies, the courts and the legal system

Media and culture

Military and security services

Prisons, probation and holding facilities


Regulators and ombudsmen

Transport and infrastructure

Royal and ceremonial

Organisations whose members are public authorities


By legal form/status



Defunct authorities