Public authorities

Found 8680 public authorities in the category ‘Charities’

10 requests.
Also called Abbeyfield Scotland This authority no longer existsThis organisation has transferred its housing stock to an alternative organisation, and no longer exists.[1, 2]. Lo...
20 requests.
5 requests.
Run by the Horizons Specialist Academy Trust
6 requests.
This academy was previously Abbey Park Junior, Infant and Nursery School.
1 request.
On 1st November 2013, Aberdeen College merged with Banff and Buchan College to form North East Scotland College.
12 requests.
Also called Aberdeen Soroptimist Housing Society This body became formally subject to the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act on 11 November 2019[1]. You should not use our service to contact this...
3 requests.
Aberdeen Sports Village is jointly owned by Aberdeen City Council and the University of Aberdeen.
8 requests.
Also called Abertay Housing Association This body is a Registered Social Landlord (RSL), in Scotland. RSLs became subject to transparency legislation in November 2019, after they were 'desig...
4 requests.
388 requests.
7 requests.
Also called Abronhill Housing Association This body is a Registered Social Landlord (RSL), in Scotland. RSLs became subject to transparency legislation in November 2019, after they were 'desig...
4 requests.
4 requests.
12 requests.
Also known as St. Christopher's C.E. High School
15 requests.
0 requests.
Part of Bright Futures Educational Trust
3 requests.
Active Stirling has been designated as a Scottish Public Authority by an order made under section 5 of the Act, known as the Freedom of Information (Sc...
8 requests.
The Adult Learning Wales name has been used since November 2016 following re-naming of former WEA YMCA CC Cymru. This entity was formed as a result of...
3 requests.
Also called Albyn This body is a Registered Social Landlord (RSL), in Scotland. RSLs became subject to transparency legislation in November 2019, after they were 'desig...
5 requests.
Part of Ebor Academy Trust.
0 requests.
Aldersley High School is an academy in Wolverhampton, sponsored by the Amethyst Academies Trust.
14 requests.
Formerly known as West London Academy.
11 requests.

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Government Departments

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Prisons, probation and holding facilities


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Royal and ceremonial

Organisations whose members are public authorities


By legal form/status



Defunct authorities