Legal Services Board

A regulator

48 requests
Dear Josh Lewis Thank you for your freedom of information request to the Legal Services Board in which you have requested: 1. Any available data on...
Carson McDowell
Response by Legal Services Board to John Hyde on .


Dear John Hyde Please find attached the response to your recent FoI request. Kind regards Ramandeep Corporate Support Officer | Legal Services...
Corporate Estate Managing Maintenance
Response by Legal Services Board to Nicola Pomroy on .


Dear Nicola Pomroy, Please find a response to your request attached. Kind regards, Ethan Ethan Fleming (Mr) | Corporate Governance Manager | Legal Se...
Dear George Porge, Please find attached the response to your recent freedom of information request. Kind regards, Ethan Ethan Fleming (Mr) | Corporat...
Data Protection Compliance
Response by Legal Services Board to Connor Dash on .


Dear Connor Dash   Thank you for your FOI request relating to data protection technology, please find our response attached.   Kind regards...
  Dear Celeste Morrison   I am emailing you with reference to your FOI request for information relating to LSB's current Multi-Functional Device...
Dear Mrs Lewis, Please find attached the LSB's response. Kind Regards, Ethan Frances Lewis [email address] Sent by email only Legal Services Board 3...
Dear Mr Ahmed, As explained in our letter of the 12 May 2023 the new LSB Chair is Alan Kershaw and his email is [email address]. Kind regards, Ethan...
Malicious email volume
Response by Legal Services Board to Rebecca Moody on .

Information not held

Dear Rebecca Moody, Thank you for your email of the 21 February requesting clarification on our response to your Freedom of Information request refere...
Clandestine crimes within the legal profession
Response by Legal Services Board to Bert domenic on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Bert Domenic Thank you for your email of 12th February 2023. As explained to you in our responses dated 30 July 2020 and 2 July 2021, the LSB is...
Firms Perverting the Course of Justice
Request sent to Legal Services Board by Bert domenic on .

Long overdue

Copying you an foi query sent the SRA. Given that the SRA are not be the correct authority so, may not be best placed to address my query, I thought I...
Dear Richard Norrie, Please find attached the response to your recent FoI request. We note you sent a clarification which we have included in the atta...
Information Technology Request
Response by Legal Services Board to Agent3 on .


Dear Gloria Zimba Please find attached the response to your recent FoI request. Yours sincerely Ethan Fleming Corporate Governance Manager [email ad...
Dear Lin Ball, Thank you for your email dated the 17 February 2022. We are mindful of our duty of s16 of the Freedom of Information Act to provide adv...
Dear Mr Hajjouk Please find attached a response to your request for an internal review. Yours sincerely Steph Steph North | Corporate Governance Ma...
Communications & Telephony Request
Response by Legal Services Board to Daniel Leonard on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Leonard Please find attached the response to your recent FoI request. Yours sincerely Stephanie North | Corporate Governance Manager | Legal...
List of regulated legal practices
Response by Legal Services Board to Daniel Bransden on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Bransden   Please find attached the response to your recent FoI request.   Yours sincerely   Stephanie North | Corporate Governance...
Malicious email volume
Response by Legal Services Board to Rebecca Moody on .

Partially successful

Dear Rebecca Moody Please find attached the response to your recent FoI request. Yours sincerely Ethan Fleming Corporate Governance Manager [email a...
FOI on staff pay scales by location
Response by Legal Services Board to Mrs Smith on .


Dear Mrs Smith   Please find attached the response to your recent FoI request. Yours sincerely Ethan Fleming Corporate Governance Manager [...
SRA said in May 2013: Reducing consumer protection would be a major reversal of at least half a century of increasing safety and raises issues likely t...
Dear Mr Kelly Thank you for your email to the Legal Services Board dated 15 March 2021, which we are treating as a complaint about how your case has b...
I am trying to get the fee paid to Kent Legal Services for serving of divorce paperwork to my wife refunded as I have been trying for over a year to ge...
Dear Ms Pongracz Please find attached the response to your recent FoI request. Yours sincerely Stephanie North | Corporate Governance Manager | L...
Dear Dora Hokomi   Please find attached the response to your recent FoI request.   Yours sincerely   Stephanie North | Corporate Governance...
Dear BoardSecretary, FYI: The MOJ identified you and the LO as organisations which may be able to assist me. I explained that both were contacted and...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?