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Headteacher/principal - salary and expenses
Ymateb gan Learning Today Leading Tomorrow i Jade Harper ar .
Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad
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Correspondence between your headteacher/principal and Priestley College
Ymateb gan Learning Today Leading Tomorrow i Amy Woollcott ar .
Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad
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recipients. Thi...
FOI - Expenditure on equality, diversity, and inclusivity.
Ymateb gan Learning Today Leading Tomorrow i Arthur Lightfoot ar .
Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad
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Pupil numbers at Rugby Free Secondary School
Cais wedi ei anfon i Learning Today Leading Tomorrow gan Linda Hanson ar .
Yn hwyr ofnadwy
Dear Knowledge School Trust, Rugby,
I made a request on the 9 August for information relating to pupil numbers at Rugby Free Secondary School, Anders...
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