Recruitment Information
Ymateb gan Lakes College West Cumbria i Amelia Flanagan ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

Good Morning Amelia Firstly, can I apologise for the delay in responding to your request. I am responsible for FOI's and have been off on bereavement...
Access control systems
Ymateb gan Lakes College West Cumbria i K York ar .


Re: FOI No 1 - 24/25 Good Afternoon Please see the attached response to your recent Freedom of Information Request. If you require any further inf...
Ref No : FOI No 8 – 2023/24 Thank you for the email below requesting information. Your request is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of...
Ref No : FOI No 9 – 2023/24 Thank you for the email below requesting information, please accept our apologies for the delay Your request is being dea...
Management Structure and Contacts
Cais wedi ei anfon i Lakes College West Cumbria gan Tony Payne ar .

Yn hwyr ofnadwy

Dear Lakes College West Cumbria, Please provide a current organisation chart showing senior and middle managers, and an excel spreadsheet with a list...
DBS Applications
Ymateb gan Lakes College West Cumbria i Victor Howe ar .

Yn hwyr ofnadwy

An FOI for consideration Karen. Chris N
Agency Use 2023-2024
Cais wedi ei anfon i Lakes College West Cumbria gan Dave Thompson ar .

Yn hwyr ofnadwy

Dear Lakes College West Cumbria, Do you have a PSL or other type of contract with recruitment agencies, if so which agencies, and when would these be...
IT Infrastructure
Ymateb gan Lakes College West Cumbria i Betty Brown ar .


Please see the attached letter in response to the Freedom of Information request below.   Thank you   Helen
Agency spend 2021/22
Ymateb gan Lakes College West Cumbria i Sai ar .


Hi I can confirm that Lakes College spent the following on agencies in 21/22: - Lecturers - £0 Assessors - £16,560 for finders fees for 2 permanent m...
IT / MFD / Print Hardware
Ymateb gan Lakes College West Cumbria i Issy ar .


Good afternoon, Please find attached the information you have requested. Regards, Neil Hamblin Question 1. Please name all of the IT resellers that...
Contracted printing devices & software
Ymateb gan Lakes College West Cumbria i Gaz Jack ar .


•       Who is your print and copier supplier - Kyocera Document Solutions (UK) Ltd •       How many devices do the organisation use - 10 •      ...
IT / MFD / Print Hardware
Ymateb gan Lakes College West Cumbria i Issy Hardie ar .

Yn hwyr ofnadwy

Ref No: FOI No 13 – 20/21 Thank you for your email requesting information Your request is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Informat...
Manager List
Ymateb gan Lakes College West Cumbria i Tanya Flowers ar .

Yn hwyr ofnadwy

Good afternoon Tanya, Your request has been passed to be to review. We can provide you with a manager organigram, job titles and departmental areas bu...
Agency Spend
Ymateb gan Lakes College West Cumbria i Natalie Cooper ar .

Yn hwyr ofnadwy

Ref No: FOI No 10 – 20/21   Thank you for your email requesting information   Your request is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom o...
FOI Request – Confidential waste
Ymateb gan Lakes College West Cumbria i Chris Pearson ar .


  Re:  FOI No 11 - 20/21   Good Afternoon   Please see the attached response to your recent Freedom of Information request.  I hope this is...
Re: FOI 20/21 No 1 Good Afternoon Please see the attached response to your recent Freedom of Information request. I hope this is sufficient to your r...
Hi Ellie Our total agency spend for 19/20 is £143,396.80 in total Thanks Neil
Agency spend 2019/2020
Cais wedi ei anfon i Lakes College West Cumbria gan Lisa Tucker ar .

Yn hwyr ofnadwy

Dear Lakes College West Cumbria, Can you please provide me with your spend for both permanent and temporary recruitment over the last 12 months spli...
FOI 9 – 18/19 Good Afternoon Debbie Please see the attached response to your recent Freedom of Information Request. Regards Helen
Grounds Maintenance
Ymateb gan Lakes College West Cumbria i Steve ar .


FOI 4 – 18/19   Please see the attached responses (In red)  to your recent FOI.  .   Thank you   Helen   From: John Irving Sent: 25 Fe...
Union reps
Ymateb gan Lakes College West Cumbria i Abdul Hai ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

Good Morning Please see the response below to your recent Freedom of Information Request:- Thank you Helen
Workforce Development Information
Ymateb gan Lakes College West Cumbria i Chris Sharman ar .


Good Morning Please see the responses below in response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Thank you Helen
Information and Organisation Chart
Ymateb gan Lakes College West Cumbria i Steven Gerrard ar .


Good Morning Steven Sorry for the delay in responding we were just trying to pull the information together. Please see attached the responses to the f...
Mandatory TM44 Air Conditioning Inspection Reports
Cais am adolygiad mewnol a anfonwyd at Lakes College West Cumbria gan Scott Davies ar .

Yn disgwyl am adolygiad mewnol

Dear Lakes College West Cumbria, The below Freedom of Information request was sent to you on the 10/04/2017. Can you please respond to my initial en...
Trainee teacher NQT data request.
Ymateb gan Lakes College West Cumbria i Luke Jacob ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

Dear Luke Many thanks for your enquiry.  As a College of Further Education, our trainee teachers undertake a CertEd or PGCE with UCLAN to gain QTLS...

Dim ond ceisiadau a wnaed gan ddefnyddio WhatDoTheyKnow a ddangosir. ?