Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal

A tribunal and a defunct authority

This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.

21 requests
Dear Mr Lewis Thank you for your email of 08 September 2014. Your email has come through to the Insolvency Enquiry Line inbox and we deal with genera...
Lawful Basis
Response by Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal to paul grant on .

Awaiting classification

Mr Grant,   The Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal has closed, and therefore no longer processes personal data, nor does it hold any information in...
Dear Lee.Hewlett, Thank you for your helpful advice, it seems Mr Michael Goldstein has changed his Recognised Professional Body from ICAEW to IPA th...
Investigator Statistics
Response by Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal to Thomas Martin on .

Long overdue

Thank you for contacting the Insolvency Service.   We have received your email and where a reply is required, we will respond within 5 working day...
Insolvency Practitioners Details
Response by Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal to Thomas Martin on .

Long overdue

Thank you for contacting the Insolvency Service.   We have received your email and where a reply is required, we will respond within 5 working day...
Thank you for your email to the Insolvency Enquiry Line.   We will reply within 15 working days of receiving your email, if a reply is needed.  ...
Software Licenses
Response by Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal to Leo Wu on .

Waiting clarification

Dear Mr Wu My apologies, our IT problems occurred at the beginning of April, not May as stated in my previous response. Sincerely FoIA and DPA Comp...
Dear Ms Williams     RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 - REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Our Ref: 2667   I write in reply to your e-mail received 23...
Thank you for your email to the Insolvency Enquiry Line.   We will reply within 15 working days of receiving your email, if a reply is needed.  ...
Thank you for your email to the Insolvency Enquiry Line.   We will reply within 15 working days of receiving your email, if a reply is needed.  ...
Dear Ms Williams, Thank you fro your FOI request below. Please find attached a copy of the Insolvency Services' 'Values and Behaviours' and our 'Orga...
Thank you for your email to the Insolvency Enquiry Line.   We will reply within 15 working days of receiving your email, if a reply is needed.  ...
Council Tax - Liability Orders - Full Council Question Here is The Question I asked at our Full Council " I wish to know whether or NOT a complaint...
Council Tax - Liability Orders - Full Council Question Here is The Question I asked at our Full Council " I wish to know whether or NOT a complaint...
Official Receiver failure of duty
Internal review request sent to Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal by paul grant on .

Awaiting internal review

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am writing to request an internal review of Insolvency Practitioners...
Trade Union Funding
Response by Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal to Alex Wild on .


Dear Mr Wild   Please find attached The Insolvency Service’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request.   Sincerely FoIA and DP...
Maternity, Paternity & Adoption Leave
Response by Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal to Chris Wade on .

Withdrawn by the requester

Dear Mr Wade Thank you for your further email to The Insolvency Service. An identical request was received from you on 28 March and is currently rec...
administration and costs of Tribunal
Response by Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal to Sarah Daniels on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Daniels Freedom of Information request - administration and costs of Tribunal I refer to your email received on 26 June regarding the above m...
Transcript of Hearing
Response by Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal to Sarah Daniels on .

Information not held

Thank you for your email to the Online Forms Service inbox. Please note that the Online Forms Service provided to allow forms to be completed online...
Trade Unions
Request sent to Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal by Ms Blackmann on .

Long overdue

Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act, I wish to make a request for the following information from IPT: 1. Is IPT currently paying any mo...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?