Ingleby Barwick Town Council

A town or parish council

32 requests
Netmore Aircom Antenna Ingleby Barwick
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to H.Hughes on .

Awaiting classification

Dear H Hughes Yes, the mast has been registered for business rates as a separate hereditament from The Rings Community Hub. Kind Regards, Jo Joanne...
Netmore Antenna Questions
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to H Hughes on .

Awaiting classification

Dear H Hughes Further to your FOI Request, please find below each point responded to. 1. What date was mast installed? 23/9/24 2. Is the town council...
Aircom Antenna
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to H.Hughes on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Heidi Hughes The antenna is a signal booster which the Town Council have agreed to collaborate with Netmore. Kind Regards, Jo Joanne McGeeney,...
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to Dima Szechero on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Dima Szechero Apologies for the delay, attached is the requested information Kind Regards, Jo Joanne McGeeney, CiLCA Town Clerk Ingleby Barwi...
Ward Councillor reports
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to Derek Trotter on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Derek Trotter In response to your FOI request, please see the attached table which provides information in response to your requests. Kind Regar...
Police Correspondence - ANPR Cameras
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to Allan Mitchell on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Mitchell Thank you for your email. May I apologise for not responding to your last email which came at a time when I was on leave and was ov...
Ingleby Barwick Town Council Facebook Page
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to Jimmy Kerr on .

Awaiting classification

Dear James Kerr In response to your Freedom of Information request regarding the Ingleby Barwick Town Council Facebook Page, I can confirm that I (Joa...
Ingleby Barwick Ring of Steel
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to Edward Murrell on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Edward Murrell Thank you for your email dated 27/6/23. In response to your request I can provide the following information. Please provide detai...
CVE-2017-7921 HikVision CCTV camera exploit
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to Wainrob Etrikes on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Wainrob Etrikes (Mrs) Thank you for your email dated 27/6/23. In response to your request I can provide the following information. Do the counci...
Dear Jason Lightwood Thank you for your email dated 1/6/23. In response to your request I can provide the following information. Cllr Sally Ann Watso...
Dear Sarah Malton I can confirm that the Town Council has awarded the Ingleby Barwick Community Partnership as a whole - not just Councillor Ted Strik...
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to Joy Tyskie on .

Partially successful

Dear Joy Tyskie There hasn’t been any requests to access footage. Kind Regards, Jo Joanne McGeeney Town Clerk Ingleby Barwick Town Council t: 0164...
Ingleby Barwick Defibrillators
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to Sarah Metcalfe on .


Dear Sarah Metcalfe FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 – INFORMATION REQUEST Thank you for your email dated 26/1/22. In response to your request I can...
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to Sol Keen on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Sol Keen FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 – INFORMATION REQUEST Thank you for your email dated 5 July 2022. In response to your request I can no...
Staff Diaries
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to Theo Gribb on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Gribb In response to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, I can provide the following Information. The Town Cou...
Flag Pole
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to Terry Emerton on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Terry Emmerton Unfortunately the Town Clerk is away from the Office due to testing positive for COVID, the meeting was therefore cancelled in con...
Public Open Space Adoption
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to L.MASON on .

Awaiting classification

Dear L Mason, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 – INFORMATION REQUEST Thank you for your email dated 2/3/22. In response to your request I can now pro...
Flag Pole
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to Terry Emerton on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Terry Emerton FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 – INFORMATION REQUEST Thank you for your email dated 17/2/2022. In response to your request I can...
Dear Mr Galvin In respect of your Freedom of Information Request please note the following:- In the period 2012 - 21, Ingleby Barwick Community Partn...
Ingleby Barwick Town Assets

Awaiting classification

Dear Ingleby Barwick Community Vision Attached Kind Regards, Jo Joanne McGeeney Town Clerk Ingleby Barwick Town Council t: 01642 308665 www.ingle...
Dear Mr Gribb The Town Council does not have an internal Review procedure for dealing with Freedom of Information requests, If you have any queries or...
Meeting Minutes and Financial Information
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to David Tonharring on .

Awaiting classification

Please find attached information as requested. Kind Regards, Jo Joanne McGeeney Town Clerk Ingleby Barwick Town Council t: 01642 308665 www.ingleb...
CCTV / ANPR - Consultation
Follow up sent to Ingleby Barwick Town Council by Winston Smith on .

Long overdue

It's okay. The someone sent me a copy of the document which I have shared here so that other can see it through this site. What's the point of a "publi...
ANPR Ingleby Barwick
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to Andy Galvin on .

Awaiting classification

Please find attached emails as requested. Kind Regards, Jo Joanne McGeeney Town Clerk Ingleby Barwick Town Council t: 01642 308665 www.inglebybarw...
ANPR Cameras
Response by Ingleby Barwick Town Council to Jim McNeill on .


Thank you for your email.   The Town Clerk is away from the Office until Monday 13th September 2021. Please note that any emails will not be read...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?