Dear Ms Mulhall
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request submitted to the
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humbersid...
Good afternoon Aashmi
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) – Request for Information - Our
reference FOI1266
I refer to your recent Free...
Dear Mr Blenheim
I refer to your Freedom of Information request submitted to the Office of
the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside on 1...
Dear Mr Dervey
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request submitted to the
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside...
Dear Ms Godart
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request submitted to the
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside...
Dear Ruth Elizabeth
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request submitted to the
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humbe...
Dear Mr Bhanji
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request submitted to the
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside...
Dear David
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) – Request for Information
Our ref: FOI1857
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request su...
Dear David
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) – Request for Information
Our ref: FOI1837
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request su...
Dear Mr Niles
Thank you for your email dated 01.05.23 regarding a Freedom of Information Request about an RTA which you were involved in on 08.11.21,...
Good afternoon Emma
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request submitted to the
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humbe...
Our Ref:F-2019-02374
09 January, 2020
Dear Ms Thompson,
Thank you for your request for information dated 16 September, 2019 concerning Force spend o...
Dear Mr Kaur
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request submitted to the
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside o...
Thank you for contacting the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
for Humberside, Keith Hunter. This is an automatic response acknowledging
Dear Mr/[name removed]
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) – Request for Information
Our ref: FOI1443
I refer to your recent Freedom of Inform...
Dear Darren, the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office is a separate organisation to Humberside Police and our office does not have access to Force lo...
Thank you for contacting the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
for Humberside. This is an automated response acknowledging safe receipt
Good morning Mr Coleman
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) – Request for Information
Our reference FOI1048
I refer to your recent Fre...
Dear Ms Venables, thank you for your request for information. Unfortunately the information that you are seeking is not held by the Office of the Polic...
Dear Mr Shimon
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) – Request for Information
Our ref: FOI1111
I refer to your recent Freedom of Inform...
Good afternoon
Further to your request for information dated 14 May 2021, I now attach
our correspondence..
Kind regards
Paula Cotto...
Dear Hazel
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request submitted to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside on 4 Febr...
Dear Maya
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request submitted to the
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside on 1...
Dear Mr Shepherd
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request submitted to the
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humbersi...
Dear Mandy
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request submitted to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside on 06.10....
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown.