Agency spend 23/24
Response by Hopwood Hall College to George Miller on .

Awaiting classification

Dear George Please see below the requested information Agency Spend 23/24                                £1,758,467.41 Agencies used: 1PS GROUP LI...
Response by Hopwood Hall College to Sienna Dawson-Sanchez on .


Hi Sienna Please see requested information below: Mobile phones: Who is your current mobile phone provider? AirTelecom How many mobile connections?...
Recruitment Information
Response by Hopwood Hall College to Amelia Flanagan on .


Please may I request your recruitment agency spend for the 2023-2024 academic year?  We spent £1,758,467 in 23/24 on agency staff. Additionally, do...
Access control systems
Response by Hopwood Hall College to K York on .


Please see below the requested information regarding Access control systems at the College: - ​The make and model of readers used – Salto/Paxton - T...
Management Structure and Contacts
Response by Hopwood Hall College to Tony Payne on .


Hello The Principal/Chief Executive – Julia Heap Safeguarding Lead – Tracey Marrow SEND Co-ordinator/Head of Learning Support – Nicola Metcalf Head of...
Caitlin Jones would like to recall the message, "Freedom of Information request - Organogram – 2023/2024 including plans for 2024/2025". Hopwood Hall...
Agency Spend 2022/23
Response by Hopwood Hall College to Shaun Heseltine on .


The college has spent £1,351,886 in 2022/23 ( inclusive of VAT) on agency costs to cover vacancies/sickness and hard to recruit roles. These costs cove...
Modern Foreign Language A-Levels
Response by Hopwood Hall College to Jessica Sharkey on .

Partially successful

Good morning, We do not currently, or have ever, offered MFL A Level provision, Kind regards, Admin
Connectivity and Network Services
Response by Hopwood Hall College to Philip Mansfield on .

Partially successful

Hello Philip Connectivity and Network Services a. Who provides your WAN and internet connectivity and the annual spend on each Jisc / Redrock Communic...
DBS Applications
Response by Hopwood Hall College to Victor Howe on .


316 applications via paper forms (September- July) and 57 DBS in the last 6 months via a 3rd party. Staff DBS checks are completed by a 3rd party and l...
Organisation Chart
Response by Hopwood Hall College to Shaun Heseltine on .


Hello Shaun Please see attached. Regards Ross Black
Telephony & Storage
Request sent to Hopwood Hall College by Philip Mansfield on .

Long overdue

1. Telephony and UC/ Collaboration a. Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place b. When is your contrac...
Contact Centre, CRM, and AI & Automation
Request sent to Hopwood Hall College by Philip Mansfield on .

Long overdue

1. Contact Centre – target to organisations we know have a CC a. Do you have a customer/ citizen facing contact centre? If not please skip these quest...
Student transport services
Follow up sent to Hopwood Hall College by S Knight on .

Long overdue

Please provide an update on our request as, by law, the authority should normally have responded promptly and in term time by 14 November 2022. Yours...
Agency spend 21/22
Response by Hopwood Hall College to Louise Kingsley on .


Hi Louise,   Please find our data below.         Thanks,   BETH BRIERLEY | FINANCE MANAGER Hopwood Hall College | Rochdale Road | M...
IT / MFD / Print Hardware
Request sent to Hopwood Hall College by Issy Hardie on .

Long overdue

Dear Sir/Madam, We would be grateful if you could help in answering our request for information, answering for A to E on questions 1-8. a) Photocop...
Lighting, Electricity & On-site Power Generation
Request sent to Hopwood Hall College by David Stretch on .

Long overdue

Dear Sir or Madam, I would be grateful if you would provide the following information under the FOI Act. 1. How many sites and buildings does the Co...
Please provide me the amount of times in the last 3 years any of your volunteer staff have had sexual misconduct allegations made against them and how...
DBS checks for volunteers
Request sent to Hopwood Hall College by Harry Spencer on .

Long overdue

Please could you provide me with information on how many volunteers you have working for Hopwood Hall College and how many of these volunteers are requ...
Sports Equipment
Request sent to Hopwood Hall College by Rebecca Froggatt on .

Long overdue

I would like to request the financial spend on the student uniform and sports clothing for PE specifically for the Sports and Uniformed public services...
Request sent to Hopwood Hall College by Carter lawyers on .

Long overdue

Can you provide the statistics for the number of knife and drugs seizures for the previous academic year up to the 13th September 2021 inclusive, also...
IT / MFD / Print Hardware
Request sent to Hopwood Hall College by Issy Hardie on .

Long overdue

Dear Sir/ Madam, We would be grateful if you could help in answering our request for information for the following questions; answering for A-F on qu...
Agency Spend 20/21
Response by Hopwood Hall College to Connor Burrows on .


Good afternoon,   Please see table below detailing agency spend:   Supplier Code Supplier Name Department Total Amount 1PS001 1PS GROUP LIMITE...
Managers List
Response by Hopwood Hall College to Tanya Flowers on .


Managed Print Services
Request sent to Hopwood Hall College by A Taylor on .

Long overdue

I’m seeking information from The College regarding Managed Print Services. Please review the below questions and respond in 20 days. • Current suppli...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?