Dear Mohamed Hashim,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your request for an internal
This has been assigned to a caseworker (ca...
Dear Mr Sullivan
Please see the attached response to your freedom of information request.
Yours sincerely
His Majesty’s Passport Office
Dear Harry Gordon,
Please find attached response to your Freedom of Information request dated
19 December 2024 (our reference FOI2024/11218).
Dear Mr Lam
Please see the attached response to your freedom of information request.
Yours sincerely
His Majesty’s Passport Office
Freedom of In...
Dear Judith Carter,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office.
After searching your email address on our system, it shows 2 FOI requests made from thi...
Dear Judith Carter,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office.
Your email has been forwarded on to the business area dealing with your request for the...
Dear Mr Chen
I attach the response to FOI request reference 2024/09135
Information Rights Team
Knowledge and Information...
Dear Jamal Khan,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your request.
This has been assigned to a caseworker (case ref FOI2024/11358). We wi...
Dear Steven J Robinson,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your requests attached.
Please be aware that we have amalgamated both your req...
Dear Miss Lawson
Please see the attached response to your freedom of information request.
Yours sincerely
His Majesty’s Passport Office
Dear Mr Hepburn
Please find attached our response to your information request.
Yours sincerely
HM Passport Office
Freedom of Information Team...
Logo for letterhead.png
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your e-mail of 8^th October.
Our response to your enquiry will involve asking...
Dear Mr Grose
Please see the attached response to your freedom of information request.
Yours sincerely
His Majesty’s Passport Office
Dear Mr Grose
Please see the attached response to your freedom of information request.
Yours sincerely
His Majesty’s Passport Office...
Dear Mr Kempsell,
Please find attached response to your recent FOI request.
HR, Corporate and Delivery
Home Office
HR Corporate and Deliv...
Please see attached
Knowledge & Information 020 7035 4848
Management Unit
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF
Dear Mr Carroll
Please see the attached response to your freedom of information request.
Yours sincerely
His Majesty’s Passport Offi...
Please see attached
Knowledge & Information 020 7035 4848
Management Unit
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF
Dear D Munchausen
Please find attached our response to your information request.
Yours sincerely
HM Passport Office
Freedom of Inform...
Dear Mr Maynard
Please find attached our response to your information request.
Yours sincerely
HM Passport Office
Freedom of Information...
Dear Mr Brown
I confirm the draft statutory instrument is The Gender Recognition (Approved Countries and Territories and Saving Provision) Order 2023....
Dear Mr Martens
Please find attached our response to your information request.
Yours sincerely
HM Passport Office
Freedom of Information...
Dear Mohamed Hashim
Please find the response to your Internal Review attached.
Our records show that a response was sent on 3 November 2023...
Please see attached
Knowledge & Information 020 7035 4848
Management Unit
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF...
Dear Quadri Babs
Please find attached a letter in response to your recent FOI request.
Yours sincerely
Customer Ope...
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