Dear Eddy
Thank you for your email, however I'm afraid we are unable to help - we
are the Parish Council for the City of Hereford, rather than the L...
Dear Mr Webber
Hereford City Council is a parish Council and does not therefore have any responsibility for housing, children's' services or adult soc...
Dear Ms Main,
The City Council is the parish councillor the city of Hereford and does not have anything to do with dangerous animal licenses. It may b...
Please forward any emails sent to this email address to [email address]
Dear Mr Dixon,
The City Council does not commission roadworks, we are not the highway authority.
You may find when you address your question to Heref...
Dear Mr Paul
I'm afraid that as the Parish Council for the City of Hereford, we don't
own, manage or run any of the services within the County,...
Happy to confirm your explanation Steve
Ivan Annibal BA(Hons), MA, FIED
From: Steve...
Dear Mal Simpson,
We are not the highway authority, that responsibility is vested in Herefordshire Council so you will need to direct your enquiry to...
Dear Mr Ledger,
We do not use housing management software of any kind as we are not a housing provider.
Steve Kerry
Town Clerk
Dear Mr Hai,
This is far too vague for me to be able to give a cogent answer. We have no documents that would fit your description on question 1. The...
Dear Ms Fitzpatrick,
The City Council does not provide any services to homeless people and therefore we have none of the formation you seek. We are th...
Dear Kyle,
The City Council does not operate in this area so I shall, as you suggest, disregard your request. For information, this function throughou...
Dear MS Davies,
I can confirm that the City council does not provide parking services or parking enforcement. We therefore have none of the informatio...
Dear Mr Smith,
As your query is headed Road Sweeper the answer is probably that we do not lease any vehicles of the kind you are interested in.
If yo...
Dear Ms Ferguson,
The only land we manage are our allotments. They are managed under an agreement with the Allotments Society and the use of toxic mat...
Dear Mr Robinson,
The City Council is a parish council and we do not issue the notices you refer to. You may perhaps wish to direct your query to Here...
Dear Dr McCullagh,
I do not believe we had any requests in that time, certainly none that were correctly directed to us. We often get ones that should...
Dear FOI team,
I'd like to request the following information.
How many fines have been issued to the organisers of Jubilee street parties that took...
Dear Emma,
The City Council does not own or operate any car parks, nor do we give out blue badges so I am unable to help you with this query.
Dear MS Clark,
I have no information about any benches being removed from Eign Gate, you might try Herefordshire Council who are doing various highway...
Good afternoon,
I would like to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.
1) How many children, who were known to you...
Dear Kizzy Jugon,
As a parish council the City does not hold any of the information you seek. You may wish to try Herefordshire Council.
Steve Kerry...
Dear Anna,
Re my previous reply I have now located your original query. This is not in fact a query for Hereford City Council, all of this information...
Good Morning,
None of these issues are the responsibility of the City Council - we are not a highway authority.
Steve Kerry
Town Clerk
Dear Mr Booth,
The answer to the first question is none.
Therefore the second question is not applicable as we have no youth centres.
The answer to...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown.