Hackney Learning Trust

A defunct authority

This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.

60 requests
Dear Mr Stanley,   Thank you for your email of 8 November 2019.  I have reproduced your request verbatim in bold, with my response beneath each se...
I am writing to follow on my request as I have not received any response or acknowledgement of receipt yet. Please kindly respond Yours faithfully,...
Clapton Girls Academy - refurbishment ans asbestos reports
Request sent to Hackney Learning Trust by Lauretta Chassard on .

Withdrawn by the requester

Could you please provide the following information: Latest asbestos survey and register for the Clapton Girls Academy ( Marie Curie, Pankhurst, Rosa...
System building schools (CLASP etc)
Response by Hackney Learning Trust to Mina Smith on .


Dear  Mina Smith   Re: Your Internal Review Request – Reference: 5158 The Internal Review process is instigated when a requester is not satisfie...
School places
Response by Hackney Learning Trust to Amy Gray on .


Dear Amy, Re: Your Freedom of Information Request. Thank you for your email in which you requested the following information: ‘the number of prim...
Recruitment and retention: British Muslims
Request sent to Hackney Learning Trust by [Name Removed] on .

Long overdue

1. How many British Muslim employees have you recruited? Please provide figures for every year since 2010. 2. What is the average length of service?...
Please can I make a Freedom of Information Act request for : The Behaviour Policy(ies) for Lauriston School for the years 1998, 2000, 2005, 2010 and...
Response to 2019 Public Health service cut consultation
Response by Hackney Learning Trust to Sam Flowers on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Sam,    Re: Freedom of Information Request Ref: 006960 We write in relation to your Freedom of Information request dated 28^th October 2020....
Information about your dealings with Stonewall
Response by Hackney Learning Trust to D.Mills on .

Awaiting classification

Dear  D Mills   Re: Freedom of Information Request /Environmental Information Request Thank you for your request for information under the Freedo...
Dear Luke,    Re: Freedom of Information Request Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, received 25...
Dear Valerie,    Re: Freedom of Information Request Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, received...
Dear  [1]Mina Smith   Re: Freedom of Information Request. Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000,...
Dear Jamie,    Re: Freedom of Information Request Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, clarificat...
Dear Sofia,    Re: Freedom of Information Request Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, received 1...
Dear K Nokrachi   Re: Freedom of Information Request. Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, rece...
    Dear Michelle,   Your Freedom of Information Request   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request in which you requested the fo...
Dear H. Bunting,   Your Freedom of Information Request   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request in which you requested the followin...
School Spending 2014-2015
Response by Hackney Learning Trust to Craig Sanders on .


Dear Mr Sanders,   Re: Your Freedom of Information Request.   Thank you for your FOI request in which you requested the following information:...
Cuts to SENCO and Incusion budgets
Response by Hackney Learning Trust to Michele Davison on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Davison,   Re: Your Freedom of Information Request.   Thank you for your FOI request for the following information: Re: Freedom of In...
Counselling in Hackney Secondary Schools
Response by Hackney Learning Trust to M F on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Thurlow,   Your Freedom of Information Request:   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request for the following information:  ...
Financial Outturn - Haggerston School
Response by Hackney Learning Trust to H Cunningham on .


Dear Ms Cunningham,   Re: Your Freedom of Information Request.   Thank you for your FOI request for the following information:   Financial...
Dear Ms Langmaid,   Re: Your Freedom of Information Request.   Thank you for your FOI request for the following information: I would like to...
Freedom of Information request - Documents on Hackney educational establishments   Dear The Learning Trust, Please provide any documents, informat...
Dear Anne, Hackney Learning Trust refuses your request as we believe the exemption listed under section 43(2) (Commercial Interests) is engaged. Secti...
Dear P Johnson,   Re: Your Freedom of Information Request.   Thank you for your email on 29 January in which you requested the following infor...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?