George Dixon Academy, Birmingham

An academy and a school

5 requests
Sanctions related to uniform
Follow up sent to George Dixon Academy, Birmingham by Izzy Woodham on .

Long overdue

This request is now 14 days overdue and in breach of the Freedom of Information Act. Can you please let me know when a response will be sent? Yours f...
School uniform supplier details
Follow up sent to George Dixon Academy, Birmingham by Izzy Woodham on .

Long overdue

This request is now 14 days overdue and in breach of the Freedom of Information Act. Can you please let me know when a response will be sent? Yours f...
Schools RAAC Pt2 (Academies)
Request sent to George Dixon Academy, Birmingham by Yohannes Lowe on .

Long overdue

Hello, I hope whoever is reading this is well. This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. 1) Was your school, or any part of it, built...
BAME Representation
Response by George Dixon Academy, Birmingham to karamat iqbal on .

Long overdue

Dear Dr Iqbal Unfortunately, this is the first time I have seen that you have made a recent FOI request and there are no details of the request in the...
Pakistani representation
Follow up sent to George Dixon Academy, Birmingham by karamat iqbal on .

Long overdue

Dear T Lewis, Thank you so much for providing the information requested. As to 'under-representation' it is generally spoken of when there are few...

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